Monday 21 February 2022

Silent Legions solo - Part 13: Desire and chastisement

26 November 12:13

The coffee shop is less than the length of a football pitch from Mile End station. Good thing, too, since Cat and Amit are running late for their appointment with the mysterious Angharad. Bloody fucking signal failures...

There's a woman sitting alone at one of the tables outside on the pavement, despite it being only a few degrees above freezing. They'd noticed her from across the busy intersection, sitting with such poise and presence that she naturally draws the eye, all the while maintaining a fierce aloofness which says 'look, but don't come near'.

She has the alabaster skin of one who gets less sunlight than Cat, but without the concomitant vitamin D deficiency. She's got the long straight auburn hair of a penitent Magdalen and the serene expression of an Odalisque. When she stands to introduce herself, she's almost the same height as Cat -- though a good four inches of that is stiletto heels.

"Cat? Amit? Angharad. If you're having anything, get it to go. We'll walk in the park."

[Scene 4 : the meeting w/ Angharad

Angharad, via the SL One-Roll Actor Creation tables
Age: Youthful, perhaps someone up-and-coming in their role.
Profession: (what ever I originally rolled got superseded by the Quirks roll below).
Memorable Quirks: Pronounced sexual or ethnic minority identification (1d2= the former)
Social Standing: Loved and admired by many, envied by other peers
Relation to Situation: An unwitting pawn necessary to someone’s plans (?)
The Problem That Drives Them: They’re badly mistaken about someone involved in it. (?)

Subsequent events sort of over-ruled the Relation and Drive results. I wasn't going to let a couple rolls on a chart stand in the way of a developing mystery. The important thing was that I instantly grokked the NPC from the other rolls.]

Coffees in hand, they saunter into the park in silence. But Amit feels impatient, and the question finally tumbles out of him.

"So, how do you know Rahi, anyways?"

"I was his domme."

"Oh! I, er... I s'pose that's why it didn't come up in conversation..."

"Quite. But you want to know why Rahi had to die." [UNE: mysterious - secrets - previous scene]

"Had to?"

"You didn't think it was an accidental overdose, did you?"

"Pretty out of character for him, I admit."

"They were after him, you see, and they're not the sort one can hide from."

"Who, though? and Why?"

"Your friends are in deep with organised crime. They should have been more careful, but Rahi got greedy and foolish."


"My attentions don't come cheaply. But I'd have told him not to be so stupid if I could have done. I am very persuasive."

"I did Udar a favour to keep his arse out of trouble, got him his merchandise back. This isn't going to come down on me now, is it?"

"I shouldn't think so. He's too spooked not to hand over the whole package."

"Good. I don't want any part of their shite. I'm strictly small-time."

"Can I interrupt?" asks Cat. "Like, Amit, it's too bad about your mate and all, but I fail to see why we should give a shit about any of this."

"I'm getting to that," says Angharad. "Udar said you had more esoteric interests."

"What the shit have you been telling people?"

"Cat, chill. I didn't say nothing. It's no secret who you used to hang round the gallery. Everyone still calls you 'witchy Cat'."

"Not to my face they don't!"

"Children, let's try to get along, shall we? If you're not interested..."


"Sorry. Please continue."

"The [d6=]bloke your friends are doing business with is a fixer of sorts, setting people up with what they want, or need, for a price. He's a criminal, make no mistake, but some of his clients are interested in less... strictly pecuniary matters. He eventually cozened on to what they were asking of him, and rather than running in horror has decided to embrace this new market."

"Did Rahi and Udar know...?" asks Amit.

"Not at first. But Rahi began pushing boundaries, and he was called in for a little chat. It turns out one of his boss' gigs is feeding some sort of cannibal cult or the like. He told Rahi if he didn't straighten up, he'd find himself on the menu. And Rahi believed him. He wouldn't tell me why -- and he told me everything, as a matter of course; I don't like having secrets kept from me. But whatever happened that day scared him into silence. Into breaking my rules. I sensed that pushing him wouldn't help, so I let it drop. He was on best behaviour for a few months after that, and, I'm embarrassed to say, I didn't notice when he started to slip. Then the other day I got an urgent voicemail from him, saying he'd made a mistake, that his boss was going to have him killed or worse, and that he was too scared to let it happen, so he was going to poison himself so that he wouldn't end up as some nutter's tea."

"That's... that's really shit," says Amit.

"So where do we come in?" asks Cat.

"This might seem a bit tasteless, with everything I just told you, but please believe I'm desperate: I need to find this guy." [UNE: mysterious - uncertainty - contacts]

"You what? Why?"

"My reasons are my own. But I heard a rumour, and I tracked it down this far. Rahi wasn't in any position to make an introduction for me, and neither is Udar. The two of you are outsiders, relatively anyways, but you move in similar circles, I've been told."

"Why should we help you?" asks Amit.

"If you're looking for revenge, here's a good way to see the one you're up against. Just get me my meeting. Once that's taken care of, I can give you a few more tit-bits for the police, or whomever. But you might also find he can help you out in your...endeavours."

"How do you know about all this?" asks Cat. "You seem remarkably well-informed for someone who needs help."

"A former client of mine belonged to the Circle of the Shadow Chalice. [d6=]She told me an awful lot of things she ought not to have revealed."

"Why didn't you go to them?"

"They can't help with this. On that point she was very clear. Also, that they're dangerously unhinged sociopaths."

"Say we find this guy for you. How do we get him to meet you? We're going to need a bit more than, 'this bird we just met wants to talk to you, but we're not sure what about'."

"I see your point. Tell him I am interested in that which sits within the Silver House."

[I used my still-unpolished excel grimoire generator to get the title, The Silver House.

Whatever the Silver House is besides, there's at least a magical text of that name (or perhaps it's just the incipit). There is definitely a magical text involved in the adventure, because of course there is! Cat knows the SL version of the Comprehend Languages spell, but in order to pull Elgin in I decided just to make the text in Sanskrit, which he knows.]

. . .
Before she leaves, Angharad gives Cat and Amit her private phone number -- written on the back of one of her business cards. She expects they'll want to think it over.

They watch her leave the park, then walk on for a bit, in silence. Cat is still trying to figure out how to best make her case when Amit blurts out, "There's no way we aren't doing this, innit?"

"Wait-- really?"

"I get it now, why you were always into this stuff. Damn, I just never figured it was, y'know, real. Ancient secrets, modern wizards... this shit's addictive. Sorry, bad choice of words."

"No, that's prolly it with me, anyhow."

"Well, count me in. I mean, I was already in, but now I'm in in."

"Careful, mate, or they'll start calling you 'witchy Amit'."

They get some lunch at a loud builder's café where they can talk without being overheard, then Amit rings Udar to say they really need to see him.

[Q: Next scene? (1d4) 1 Conflict, 2 Investigation, 3 Udar, 4 random: d4=3

Scene 5 : meeting Udar]
26 November 3:10pm

They go to meet Udar in the hotel he's been hiding out in. When he opens the door to them, he seems on the edge of tears [Daintily / Watery]. He invites Cat and Amit to sit on the edge of the bed, and sits opposite them in a chair for all of five seconds before he's up and pacing.

[Amit needs to roll 8+ Cha/Persuade to get him to open up: 2d6+2=9, success.]

Amit manages to get him talking, but half-oblivious of Cat's presence, he keeps switching from English to Bangladeshi and back mid-sentence. Still, from what Cat can piece together, his boss gave him a right bollocking when he handed over the goods, and made it very plain that his next fuck up is his last.

Amit also pushes him for info on the enforcer, but hits a wall every time. Amit's honeyed tongue may have convinced his gran that being unmarried at the age of 30 isn't cause for concern but he can do nothing in the face of Udar's sheer terror.

[10+ Cha/Persuade: 2d6+2=9, fail. Spend Expertise for re-roll: 7, failed again: he's too spooked to help.

Q: Next scene? (1d4) 1 Conflict, 2 Investigation, 2 Mary rings Cat, 4 random, d4=2

Scene 6

Investigation scene: An Actor is involved in a Secret at the site, and is convinced the PCs’ curiosity is actually directed toward the Secret.]
27 November 7:02pm

Since the meeting with Udar, Amit has been out looking up everyone he knows to see if anyone can put him in touch with the enforcer, Tihan. He's had to go alone, since Cat is too much the outsider to be anything but a hindrance. She'd gotten a phone call earlier and had to dash out, and later texted him to say she wouldn't be home until tomorrow.

[6+ CHA/Culture-Criminal: 9, ok - he makes a connection, but given the Investigation scene rolled...]

He's at their flat, considering his evening options when there's a knock at the door. It's Tihan.

"Amit! Glad I caught you at home. Where's Cat?"

"Dunno. We're not married or nuffin'."

"Too right. Not to worry, we have better options without her. You like shisha? There's a new place in Hackney I been meaning to try out. How about we go for a drive."

Amit can think of a million things he'd rather do than accept the ominous offer, but the sight of Tihan's hulking subordinates on the pavement tells him he's not got much choice. Fortunately, the offer is exactly as presented; Tihan just likes to show off his new wheels. The shisha bar is as chichi as Amit expected, but Tihan also likes to throw cash around, so no use in passing up a free night out.

[Amit needs a 9+ CHA/Persuade roll to make his case: 2d6+2=12, success]

Amit navigates the evening's small-talk with exceptional finesse, and despite Tihan's occasional incisive probing doesn't give away any more than he means to. But he can count the evening a success, as he gets a meeting with Tihan's boss set up for [1d8-1=] two days hence.

next post: Cat makes an arse of herself

Monday 14 February 2022

Silent Legions solo - Part 12: Incipit horror


25 November, 9:06pm

Cat and Amit have braved a bitterly cold November night to pop down to the off licence. They scurry across an intersection, and dodge past the throng of beery punters on the pavement outside the corner pub, still whingeing after three years of the smoking ban. They've just about made it to the offie when Amit's mobile rings. He answers it, says a few quick words in Bangladeshi, then stops. "Sorry, Cat, gotta take this," he says, dumping a handful of coins into Cat's waiting hands, leaving her alone to brave the clerk's annoyance as she buys whatever lager is on offer with a pile of (mostly) silver.

[For the adventure proper, I used an admixture of normal Mythic scenes and the Adventure Template tables in the SL rulebook. The Chaos Level (per my MCSV) was set at a fixed level of Out-of-Control (1d8), which produces a good amount of Random Events, and qualified (and.../but...) results.

The first scene was definitely going to involve a lot of rolls to set up. So,

How did this all start?

Scene 1

Hook: A Friend from the site sends word asking for help due to intimations of a Secret or a recent Crime involving them.

Site: d6=East London (Tags: Black Market, Predator Entity)

Friend - Desperate local needing something illegal
Secret - The pact is delusional and the entity mindlessly hostile

Threads left over from last adventure: investigate kelipah, implant,
New threads: Angharad, the Chamber]

Cat & Amit
Cat comes back into the street, beaming with her good fortune -- the nice Polish stuff wot starts with Z was 4 for £4. But something in Amit's expression causes her elation to melt away.

"Who was it?" she asks after they get onto a quieter side street.

"D'ya ever meet Udar?"

"I don't think so, no."

"Him and his mate Rahi are sitting on some cloned debit cards for -- well, he didn't say who. They're due to deliver them [in 1d3 days] tomorrow, but Rahi is nowhere to be found. No one's seen him, his phone goes straight to voicemail... Udar thinks the stuff should probably still be at his flat."

"And he's rung you because...?"

"He's afraid he's being followed, and wants to live long enough to make the hand-off. Sooooo... fancy a trip out to Canning Town?"

"Fuck, I hate drinking on the bus."

. . .

Their destination is [1d12: 1-3 tower block, 4-6 terrace house, 7-10 council estate, 11-12 small flat block: 2] a tower block not terribly far from the bus station. It's easy enough to get in, slipping through front door as residents leave. It's less easy climbing the stairs up to the [1d12=] 7th floor.

"Ruddy lift's been out since he moved in 4 years ago," says Amit.

He knocks at Rahi's door, but there's no answer. He tried again, again nothing.
"Keep watch, will you?"

[Dex/Security 8+: A 2d6+1-1(unskilled)=11, success]

Amit uses an old student ID (fake, of course) to jimmy the lock, and they go inside.

[Q: What state is the flat in? Quietly / Macabre
Q: Where's the body? (1d6) 1 kitchen, 2 bathroom, 3 living room, 4 bedroom, 5 closet, 6 roll twice: 1

Int/Medicine 6+ to determine general cause of death: Cat 2d6+1-1:10]

They're only three steps from the door when they see the body lying contorted on the kitchen floor.

"Shit," says Cat. "Is that him?"

"Yeah. Fuck."

"Looks like an OD."

[Q: out of character? 50/50 (4+): O5 C8]

"You sure?"

"Uh, I've seen one or two..."

"I mean... it's just, like, he didn't have a habit. Wouldn't even smoke out in the flat. Didn't want to risk his deposit."

"Let's see if your mate's stuff is here and get out. Mind you don't leave any fingerprints."

[Q: Are the cards there? Unknown 1d6=3: O4 C5 - yes

Wis/Perception: Cat 2d6+1=11
Rahi's hiding roll 2d6+1=10: C wins]

They've not been looking long when Cat spots a loose floorboard beneath the faux-Persian carpet in the living room.

"I always wondered why he bought that hideous thing," says Amit.

Cat helps herself to a butter knife from the kitchen to prise up the loose board. Underneath is an old shoebox filled with a stack of bank cards...

[Q: Anything else inside? 50/50 (4+): O2 C3 - no, but...]

... and an empty box of 9mm ammo.

"We should look for a gun," says Amit.

[Search rolls: C 9, A 5 vs. Hide: 4]

The gun's sitting on the bedside table in plain sight.

"Let's take it," says Amit. "No use letting the cops find it. Besides, this'll settle a debt of ours."

[Q: Is there anything else to find? 50/50 (4+): O5 C5 - yes
+Event: Horror - PC (Mary) - perceive / horror

+1d6=5 Madness (to 5), horror TBD

Q: What else is found? Kookily / Empty]

Beneath the pistol is a slim book. The spine reads '2010 diary' in gold foil lettering, and the cover is a photo of a fluffy white kitten wearing a top hat: the finest pound shop purchase. Cat leafs through it cursorily. There are very few entries actually written in.

"We take this or leave it?"

"Take, I guess. Might be important."

They leave, and catch the bus back to Barking. Amit rings 999 to (anonymously) report the OD from a burner phone he took from the flat, then throws it in the water at Barking Park. Cat throws the butter knife in after it -- it has her fingerprints.

Amit meets Udar round the back of his uncle's restaurant near the bins. He hands over the bundle of cards, and tells him what they found.

[Q: Udar's reaction? Frantically / Hard]

Udar flies into a rage -- Cat can hear the shouting out on the street -- saying he's going to find the thug who murdered Rahi and make them pay. He's pretty sure he knows where to start, once he makes the hand-off.

Amit doesn't lose his cool, and talks him down gradually. [CHA/Persuade 10+: 2d6+2=14!] Udar sees sense in the end, and promises not to ruffle any feathers. He gives Amit 50 quid for his trouble, saying not to spend it all in one place.
"Mate, I'm so skint I can't afford to."

[Scene 2

Introduction: The PCs find themselves ensnared in a short Conflict with an agent of the Enemy, who thinks they’re easy pickings or has noticed their interest in affairs. A Friend notices the strife, and offers leads to the Investigations.

Enemy: maker of forbidden goods

Conflict : The thugs of the Enemy seek out the heroes to intimidate or thrash them into breaking off their investigations. The intended violence is unlikely to be lethal unless the Enemy is confident they can get away with it without stirring up yet more trouble.

Friend: Angharad (arbitrarily; still no idea who she is yet)]

26 November, 10:39am

When Amit and Cat leave their flat the next day, someone is waiting for them, a young Asian guy in an expensive tailored suit, with immaculate hair and neatly-trimmed beard. The glint of gold earrings matches the Rolex on his wrist. He gets out of his red jaguar and jogs across the street towards them.

[Tihan the Enforcer
Age: Unusually young for their position.
Memorable Quirks: Immaculately well-kept or fashionable clothing
Social Standing: An unproven person or untrusted newcomer
Relation to Situation: Someone with a relative or friend as a victim of it
The Problem That Drives Them: They feel a great debt of honour towards someone involved.]

"It's Amit right? And Cat? We need to talk."

"We were on our way to the caf for breakfast," replies Amit.

"I'll treat you then. I could murder a full English!"

Tihan, as he introduces himself, is all sunlight and small talk until the waitress has brought coffee taken their orders. Then his demeanour changes ever so subtly, lending a disingenuous air to his smile.

"So, I've heard you've been talking to Udar. He's, shall we say, not made himself the most popular boy in school lately. A bit of friendly advice, try not to get mixed up in Rahi and Udar's affairs."

"I don't think Rahi is going to be doing much in the future," says Amit.

"Ha! There's probably a lesson in there somewhere."

Just then Tihan's mobile rings. He answers it, mumbles a few mmm-hmms, hangs up.

"I'm going to have to make my apologies," says Tihan, standing and throwing three tenners down on the table. "You can keep the change."

After breakfast, they head back to the flat so Amit can ring Udar.

"So, mate, your friend Tihan came to see us this morning for a friendly chat. What the fuck have you dropped us in?"

"It's not my fault. I didn't say anything to anyone, just handed over the goods and was done with it."

The phone is ripped from Udar's hand. Amit hears him start to protest, then abruptly stop. Then a woman speaks into the phone in a slow, measured voice.

"This isn't going to stop. You don't know me, but we need to meet. I have information that will be important to you. And a proposition to make. The coffee shop under the bridge by Mile End Park, be there in an hour. Both you and Cat. I'll tell you everything."

"Uh, how will we know who we're looking for?"

"I'll find you."

"Can I get a name at least?"


The call cuts off. Amit looks quizzically at Cat. "Did you hear all that?"


"Curious, Miss Morland?"

"I do suppose we'd ought to go hear her out, Mr. Tilney."

[Scene 3

Q: What are the other PCs up to? (1d10): 1-3 earlier Investigation, 4-6 Ambush, 7-8 Investigation/Conflict contemporaneous with opening scene, 9-0 Investigation/Conflict contemporaneous with last scene

Q: Who? (1d12): 1-5 Elgin, 6-10 Mary, 11-12 both: 7

DI Mary Wang
Investigation: The Place has been ransacked by Enemy agents who are even now departing with the clue in a way that leaves a perceptible trail to follow. The PCs must catch up with them in time and take it back, either through violence or trickery.

Place: Kitchen for human flesh

Enemy: as above (maker of forbidden goods)]

a few days earlier...

21 November 8:06pm

Ever since meeting Cat, DI Mary Wang has been spending all her free time on 'extra-curricular' investigations. Tonight sees her doing surveillance on Brick Lane; she's discovered a kitchen not attached to any restaurant.

The crowds are thick this time of the evening, and the exhortations of the restaurateurs to every passer-by form a steady soundtrack to Mary's vigil. She's seriously considering giving up and getting a nice madras to warm her chilled bones when, from her vantage point across the street, she spies a group of [1d4+1=] four people in black hoodies turn suddenly down the alleyway wherein lies the kitchen's entrance.

[Stats as (d16): 1-3 cultist, 4-5 heavy, 6 cult enforcer: 1332; d6=mfff

I'd given Mary a 9+ Wis/Perception check to notice them: 2d6+2=6, failure. So, I spent a point of Expertise to re-roll, as it's a class skill: 2d6+2=13]

Whilst pretending to make a phone call, she sees them stop at the kitchen's door and look round suspiciously, so she wanders out of sight. She crosses the street and doubles back to stand against the wall right outside the alleyway. She hears a dull thud, followed by two others in rapid sequence; they're forcing the door open. After a few moments of silence, she hears more thudding and shattering glass. When it stops, she moves briskly away to get lost in the crowd.

[Q: Do the cultists split up? unlikely (5+): O5 C7 - yes

8+ Dex/Stealth to get close: 2d6+2=14]

She watches the four eventually emerge from the alleyway, and split off into two pairs each walking a different way. Two of them head up the street towards Mary, but she's certain they haven't noticed her. The other two are carrying plastic lunch boxes which they certainly didn't have before. Mary follows them south towards Whitechapel. She makes sure their comrades are out of sight, then rushes right up to tap one on the shoulder. The young woman turns round to find Mary's badge in her face.

"I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions."

[Reaction: 2d6=7, neutral]

"Uh, what about?"

"I'm looking into a series of burglaries in the neighbourhood."

"Oh, we're don't live round here. Just out for a curry."

Of course they would say that. Mary opts for a direct approach.

"I see. Did you find one? In that little kitchen, I mean. They just do takeaway, or what?"

"Oh, er, no. Just dropping off some fliers."

"Fliers? What for?"

"It's, um a concert. For charity."

"Sounds ace! Got any left?"

"Those were our last ones."

[Mary needs 9+ CHA/Persuasion to keep this from going pear shaped. 2d6-1=6...

Cultist's reaction is (1d3): 1 fight, 2 flight, 3 half & half: 2]

The two women take off running. Mary immediately gives chase, yelling "Stop! Police!"

[Dex/Athletics 2d6+0=5 vs. 2d6=3, she catches up.
Unarmed attack to tackle AC9, d20+1-2(unskilled)+9=20, just hits; 1d2=2 damage, to 1hp]

Mary makes an ungainly tackle, but and ends up sprawled on top of the woman who yelps when her ribs smack against the kerb. The lunch box skitters a few feet away. She tries to wriggle out from beneath Mary, but winds up with an arm pinned  to the asphalt and a knee in her back.

[tries to break hold: attack succeeds; M's attack also succeeds, so she stays pinned.]

"Somebody get the police!" shouts Mary into the gathering crowd. "Tell 'em I need backup." [CHA/Persuade 6+: 2d6-1=6]

A pair of PCs are fortunately nearby to help her take charge of the prisoner. Mary dons a pair of gloves before collecting the lunch box from the pavement, and hazards a look inside. She is rewarded by the sight of a pair of livers sandwiched between plastic ice packs.

"Ugh!" She snaps the box shut.

Mary is in the local station until very late making her report. She says she happened to see the suspect forcing a door open with three others, then heard them smashing the place up. She doesn't mention what she was doing in neighbourhood, but having been Brick Lane at 8pm, no one thinks to ask.

[Q: Does the coroner's report make it to Mary's ears? Likely (3+): O4 C2 - yes, and...]

Mary spends the next few days at work listening all the office gossip, hoping for some news about the suspect she chased down or any subsequent investigations, but the rumour mill is extraordinarily quiet. Then, on Thursday morning, she gets a call from the Tower Hamlets coroner. [d6=] She can't comment on the investigation, but she thinks Mary would be interested to know that they were, in fact, human livers in the lunch box.

Somehow Mary knew it in the pit of her stomach, but hearing the coroner confirm it sends her head spinning. She asks the coroner if they could meet up in the evening to discuss it further over dinner. [8+ Persuade 2d6-1=10] The coroner readily agrees, and asks if she has some place in mind. Mary suggests a place on Brick Lane; she still kinda wants that madras.

Mary spends the rest of the day researching old cases, missing persons later found dead and missing parts. The coroner, interest piqued, does the same. The evidence is sparse, but goes back decades. They discuss the findings, most of which predate her time (she's been in the job there for [1d20=] only a year.

The coroner notes two weird things, the first being that, despite proximity of the murders to Whitechapel, the papers have been utterly restrained in not drawing Jack the Ripper parallels. But more importantly, it seems that the families of deceased were seldom the ones who reported victims missing. [mysterious - uncertainty - community]

26 November 11:56pm

[this is the Event from Scene 1 : Horror - PC (DI Wang) - perceive / horror]

The next day, Mary stays late at work. Her colleagues have all teased her about spending her Friday night chained to a desk. The cleaners hoovered round her and went home.

Mary swears as her monitor goes suddenly dark. She looks up to find the power has gone out all over the building. She sits in dark for a few moments waiting for emergency lights, but they don't come on. She fumbles for her phone to use as a torch.

She hears steps behind her, then jumps at the touch of a clammy hand on her shoulder. Before she can look she is yanked from her seat, spun round, and thrown bodily on top of her desk. Claws rip at her stomach, tearing out her bleeding liver.

She wakes with a start. Everything is normal. She switches off her computer and goes home, still a little shaken. As she's changing for bed she discovers a livid bruise across her abdomen [-1hp]. She wants to tell Cat, but assumes she'll be out for the evening so takes a sleeping pill instead. The next morning she rings soon as she wakes up.

"Cat, it's Mary. Something... something horrible happened. Can I see you?"

next post: meeting Angharad

Monday 7 February 2022

Silent Legions solo - Part 11: Wake up dark


Experiment in Horror #4

I wanted to continue with my Silent Legions campaign, but I wasn't sure what the next adventure should be. All I knew was that, at the end of my last one, I determined the new adventure would start in (1d4+2=) 3 weeks. I hit upon a way to start playing without having to make any decisions, though perceptive readers will note that I in fact had to come up with 2 random opening scenes instead of just one.

The experiment, then, was to try a non-linear adventure. I started out intending  to use the simple form of the non-linear narrative, i.e. starting somewhere near the climax for the first scene, then rolling the clock back for the next scene and following the story until it gets there, then continuing from that point until the end.
But some random events came up and a second main thread developed (mostly with Mary) that necessitated playing some of the scenes out-of-order. This was less of a headache than it sounds to keep track of; I just wrote a quick note about when things needed to progress at the bottom of my .txt file and typed my notes for the intervening scenes out above it, so it was constantly there as a reminder.

As this is a solo rpg adventure and not a plotted story, there were additional considerations to be made. The most obvious was the question of Plot Armour, since the PC(s) in the initial scene had to survive the rest of the adventure. Luckily, my horror adventures are pretty low on combat, so this didn't come up. Had the dice killed a PC, I'd probably have left them alive, but doomed to die by the conclusion no matter what the dice said from then on. Perhaps they would be afflicted by some sort of gruesome, creeping transmutation -- the genre offers great possibilities in this respect.

Madness was also an issue. I took the easy route, and decided that Madness loss would accrue as scenes were played, so Dark Visions (SL optional rule, p.173) might occur out of the normal sequence, in a scene when accumulated Madness-over-time would have technically been less. This didn't really impact the game, as it's not something where the strict numerical values indicate actual thresholds in any non-mechanical sense.

For the first scene, I decided to make it easy for myself; since I didn't have any idea where the PCs were or what they were doing, I decided they shouldn't either; more on this later. The actual set-up would involve many Oracle questions, Silent Legions tables, and The Big Book of Little Spaces: Haunts, which I'd been wanting to try out for ages. I rolled so many dice for the first bit that it would make an absolute mess if I included it with the narrative. Instead, I'll post my raw notes at the very end with a few annotations for anyone who's interested in my process.

My toolbox:

Silent Legions for the rules
Mythic GME with my MCSV for the oracle
UNE for NPC conversations
d30 Sandbox Companion for random horror effects & items
Big Book of Little Spaces: Haunts for the beginning (part of this bundle)

Right, enough with the introductory remarks. Let's start...

The Adventure

It's not the first time that Cat has woken up on a damp concrete floor, but getting clean meant it wasn't supposed to happen again. The last waves of sickly euphoria lap at her brain and she starts to pick bits of consciousness out of the ebb. What the hell did she do to herself this time?

She tries to raise her head and look around, but the purple splotches dancing through her vision refuse to go away when she opens her eyes. Wait, that's just the darkness. She lowers her cheek gently back onto the cold floor and tries to take stock of her situation.

She feels swollen all over, and her mouth tastes like drain unblocker. Everything aches, every muscle, every sinew. Her spine is on fire. A sharp shock of adrenaline: this isn't like any comedown she's ever had.

She pushes herself onto her side, rolls into a foetal position. A sharp pain in her stomach. Her hands fly to it on instinct, and she feels her clothing soaked through. Nervous fingertips find a loose makeshift bandage, a crusty wound beneath. At least she hasn't pissed herself.

Waves of nausea are pushing out the euphoria and the burning. She reaches out to her surroundings, trying to centre herself in the now. The concrete is gritty but pleasantly cool, and sticky where she bled. She can smell the mould and damp even through nostrils full of dust.

Cat puts out a hand and finds the rough concrete wall just before her. She rolls over again -- her stomach hurts less now she's expecting it --  and forces herself to sit up against the wall. Sitting is good. Just sit for a while.

There's a drone in her ears, but someone is mumbling to her over it. 'Don't fall asleep, Cat.' No, that's her, talking to herself. 'Shut the fuck up, Cat.'

There's a dim slash of light on her foot. She follows it up. There's a door, sitting uneasily in its frame. Cat edges over to it. It's heavy and solid, but gives way slightly when she pushes. She pivots on her arse, then gives the door a solid kick with both feet. It scrapes open on screaming, rusty hinges.

The light pours in, dim but still blinding. Cat blinks a few times, then looks round. She's sat on the floor of a bare concrete cell, scarcely wider than the doorframe and maybe twice as deep. Outside is a gloomy basement, with stacks of old and broken furniture. An insect-speckled fluorescent striplight casts an unhealthy pallor over the scene. Cat can hear its buzzing clearly now.

She uses the doorframe to pull herself up, then takes a few tentative steps outside. She see two more doors in a recess near her own cell. One is slightly open, and the shape inside... it's Elgin.

He's sat cross-legged on the floor, head in his hands. He hears her pull the door open all the way, looks up in panic.

"Gah! Oh... Cat?"

"Yeah. I, uh.... you ok?"

"I feel dreadful."

"Yeah. Same. But like... I dunno... something wrong with it."

"Same. It's like... shit, Cat, is-- is that your blood?"

"Yeah. We'd prolly best find our way out of... this place."

"You don't remember either? Help me up and let's get moving."

Cat pulls him to his feet, and they stagger about for a few moments. Cat insists on searching the pile of furniture to find a chair leg or summat they could use as a weapon, but there's nothing useful to be had. They abruptly decide to stop looking through the pile when Cat finds a decaying human hand, grey and shrivelled, still sporting bright pink acrylic nails.

Elgin says he's going to be sick, and dry heaves a few times. Cat tries to wipe the uncleanness off her fingers, but just smears blood on everything. Then a low moaning stops them short. They aren't alone.

The sound is coming from behind the door of the third cell. Cat opens the door, and the overwhelming smell of decay assaults her nostrils. She steadies herself against the wall, and hears Elgin retching behind her.

The form of a small person is lying in the far corner of the cell, wrapped in filthy rags or slimy clothing. It moves unsteadily to look up at them, then pulls the wet, threadbare blanket over its face.

"Don't look," it says in a soft, feminine voice. "You shouldn't see me like this."

"Who are you?" asks Cat. "What's going on? Where are we?"

"I... I am.... still... Angharad."

Cat shoots Elgin a look, but he seems equally baffled. But something tugs at Cat's memory. "We were... we were looking for you."

"They found you first."

"Who are they?"

"I don't know... I-- it's all confused."

"Let us help you--"

"No! It's too late. Leave me here... leave..."

"Are you hurt?"

"I... I am... no..."

"Then what's wrong?"

"It's too late. Leave me... I found what I was after in the end, all I desired was there, in that Chamber. But not as I imagined it. I should never have gone looking for it. Forget me...."

The shape lies back down wetly in the corner, whimpering or cooing to itself. Cat lets the door fall half closed.

"Should we... can we try to help?" asks Cat.

"Maybe we should find the way out first," says Elgin.

"Maybe you're right."

They look for an exit. None is immediately visible. There's just the buzzing light, and shadows dancing on the wall, which they jump at more than once. In their drugged state, the shadows seem like other people.

Cat finds a door which blends neatly into wall. It takes her a few seconds to realise she's been holding on to the doorknob to steady herself.

"It's starting to clear a little," says Elgin. "The fog in my head."

"You're lucky mate. I still feel like I'm swimming through custard. Surprised it's lingering so long..."

"Maybe our captors know about your history, gave you an extra helping to put you down."

"I wish I could remember who we're dealing with..."

Cat opens the door to reveal a dingy stairwell. They climb up to the first landing.

"Wait... just a... second..." Elgin looks like he's going to topple over, and steadies himself against the railing.

"Something's coming back to me," he continues. "I remember sitting in my flat one night, reading, when the shadows in the room started to deepen and move a little. I thought my eyes were just tired, but... then they sort of detached from the wall and started to whisper to me."


"They warned me not to interfere with the... the... I don't remember what they said, but they promised that if I surrendered myself to the chamber -- in the chamber? -- then all would be perfected."


"No idea. But I'm sure that was the word."

There's a door on the landing. They open it to peek out.

A long, brightly-lit corridor extends before them. So long they can't see the end. There's a draught of cold air -- colder even than the basement. The carpet is stained with black mould, and squelches a bit beneath their feet. The corridor seems to stretch as they go down it, but it could just be the drugs...

[I'm switching back to normal adventure format from this point. Rolls on Big Book of Little Spaces tables will be highlighted, in the format Section : Sense - Description - Element]

Abandoned Places : Taste - Tart - Statue

They stumble by an alcove, with a life-sized statue marble statue of the whitest marble. At first Cat thinks it's Persephone holding a pomegranate, then she notices the squareness of the object in her lovely hands. It's Pandora. Probably an appropriate figure, she thinks, but damned if she can think why.

[Q: Is the statue anomalous in some way? 50/50 (4+): O3 C6 - no]

Then Elgin is pulling her bodily away. "Tha can stare at girls later, Cat."

[I gave them both a Luck saving throw to avoid attracting attention / random encounters (both need 12+): C d20=15, ok; E 18, ok]

Ghostly Effects : Touch - Slimy - Door

The corridor doesn't go on for ever. They find a door at the end. Cat tries the handle, and finds it greasy -- too slick for her to turn. She makes the mistake of sniffing the gunk on her hand to see what it is [Phys save fails]. The putrid smell makes her gag. It reminds her of the decaying odour of the basement prisoner.

She wipes hand on the wall and they continue on round the bend.

Creepy Copses (x2) : Sight - Tree - Grassy
: Hearing - Wind - Scream

They pass a long window, which looks out on a night-time scene, lit only by lights shining from with the building. They see an overgrown lawn with unmanicured hedge rows, and beyond it a stand of trees. The wind howls, rippling across the grass, and the window glass rattles with each gust.

[Q: Can window be opened? Unlikely (5+): O2 C7 - no]

"There's no latch," say Cat. "Just glass."

"Are we in a hotel?" asks Elgin.

[For the next section, the result was 'Roll Three Times': Hallways, Hallways, Ghostly Effects]

Hallways (x3) : Smell - Apparition - Caustic
: Taste - Lighting - Velvety
: Touch - Ceiling - Powdery

As they look out at the stormy scene, a caustic chemical smell wafts down the hallway. The lights seem to dim and grow hazy. Dust falls from the ceiling.

Hallways : Touch - Mirrors - Scratched
Ghostly Effects : Touch - Fluids - Soaked

They hurry forward. At the corridor's end hangs a full length mirror. The surface is scratched, and a purplish, oily fluid leaks from the gashes.

[1d3 Madness: C +1 to 31, E +3 to 22. Passing 20 Madness gives Elgin a Dark Vision.

Sense Affected=Sight (not rolling, as this seems obvious from a mirror)
Type of Insight Granted (d8): Location of something important to the adventure.
Side Effect of the Vision (d20) Any occult entities there immediately focus on the PC.]

"Cat, look! In the mirror behind us."

"I don't see anything behind us. Just the corridor."

"The way out -- the front door. It's right there!"

Elgin turns and staggers off. Cat turns too -- and the door is indeed but a dozen paces away, right there where they came from. Now the mirror is gone, and a corridor stretches vertiginously out behind them.

[+1d6 Madness for rationally impossible situation (per Madness chart) C +4 to 35, E +6 to 28]

She rushes up behind Elgin, who is already throwing the bolt...

next post: how it all started


Below are the raw game notes I promised. I've added a few explanatory notes in bold type to explain my thought process a little better.

Experiment in Horror #4

Big Book of Little Spaces: Haunts

Appendix 1: Alternate Methods: 1d10=roll twice - Horrid Hallways, Scary Basements I wasn't too strict in my interpretations of the tables; they didn't, for instance, start in a basement hallway

Horrid Hallways:
Hearing - Lighting - Flat
=low buzz of electric lights

Scary Basements:
Touch - Clothing - sticky

Q: How many PCs are present? 1d4=2, Cat and (1d3=) Elgin
Q: Are they both covered in blood? 50/50 (4+): O2 C6 - no. 1d2= just Cat
Q: Whose? (1d8): 1-3 hers, 4-6 someone else's, 7-8 both: 2
1d12=6 damage (7 current HP)
Her wounds are: Naturally / Glorious - slash across upper arm, nasty stomach wound, both rudely bandaged

Q: Is Elgin OK? Unlikely (5+): O4 C6 - no
1d6=1 damage, 6hp left
just some bruising I gave both PCs a chance to be down to 1hp, thus the different damage dice (they conveniently have 13 & 7 max hp). The dice rolled had nothing to do with the sources of the damage. Elgin's injury (minor spoiler: he crashed into a bookcase trying to flee) certainly wouldn't have caused 1-6 damage. 

Q: Is there a body here from a recent fight? 50/50 (4+): o1 C5 - no.

What’s Wrong About This Place? SL p177 A wretched victim of cult amusements may still live.

The easiest way for the PCs to have no immediate idea of their circumstances was to give them short-term memory loss from being drugged/poisoned. I made a quick recovery track:
Phys Save (+Con mod) evry 15 minutes to shake off effect of drug (attack rolls & evasion saves / skill rolls)
-4/-2, -2/-1, -1/-1, 0/-1, recovered

Starting saves: both fail

Search surroundings: Wis/Perception 8+: C 2d6+1-2=8, E 2d6-1-2=5

Finds: Nicely / Disgusting
decaying human hand with fancy acrylic nails

+1d4 Madness, both 1 (C to 30, E to 14)

Q: Any possible weapons about? 50/50 (4+): O2 C5 - no.

3 cells before them, 2 doors open

low moaning coming from behind 3rd. they open to reveal...

SL p 154 The basic horror of the Thing: 1d12= body horror
(BBLS:H) Sight - Hazy, Smell - Putrescent this was definitely the 'wretched victim of cult amusements' I'd rolled above

form in corner, wrapped in filty rags or slimy clothing
smell of decay assaults their nostrils - phys saves - c ok, E retches

the shape moves to look at them them, then pulls wet, threadbare blanket over face

don't look! you shouldn't see me like this
who are you? what's going on? where are we?

Q: Does the person know anything? 50/50 (4+): O1 C3 - no, but...
Q: Do they recognise the PCs? Unknown 1d6=1: O2 C8

I... I am.... still... Angharad

Q: Name mean anything to them at the mo? 50/50 (4+): O4 C8

We were... we were looking for you.
They found you first.
Who are they?
I don't know... I-- it's all confused.
Let us help you--
No! It's too late. Leave me here... leave...
Are you hurt?
I... I am... no...
Then what's wrong?
It's too late. Leave me... I found what I was after in the end, all I desired was there, in that chamber. But not as I imagined it. I should never have gone looking for it. Forget me....

[UNE:knowing - news - last scene:
as Rumour
clue - major, neutral (+0): desire / chamber]

The name Angharad was just off the top of my head. desire/chamber sounded suitably mystical, so now I knew the crux of the adventure, albeit in the vaguest possible sense. And I had an NPC to work in.

the shape lies back down wetly in the corner, whimpering or cooing to itself

Maybe we should find the way out first, says E
Maybe you're right.

1d3-1=0 visible exits

C&E set about searching: Int/Perception 6+: C 2d6+1-2=10, E 2d6+0-2=5

Q: Anything happen as they search? Unlikely (5+): O4 C3 - no, but...

just the buzzing lights, and shadows dancing on the wall, which they jump at more tha once. in their drugged state, the shadows seem like other people

C finds door which blends neatly into wall

new saves: C fail, E succeeds (he is now at -2/-1)

It's starting to clear a little, says E, the fog in my head.
You're lucky mate. I still feel like I'm swimming through custard. Surprised it's lingering so long...
Maybe our captives know about your hstory, gave you an extra helping to put you down.
I wish I could remember who we're dealing with...

Open door to dingy stairwell, climb up to landing,

[Q: Does it go further up? 50/50 (6+): O6 C6 - yes
+Event:  Horror - PC - think / conversation
1d6 1 M, 2 A, 3-4 C, 5-6 E: 5

[UNE:mysterious - shadows - history]

Wait... just a... second...

E looks like he's going to topple over, steadies himself against the railing

something's coming back to me... I remember sitting in my flat one night, reading when the shadows in the room started to deepen and move a little. I thought my eyes were just tired, but... then they sort of detached from the wall and started to whisper to me.
They warned me not to interfere with the... the... I don't remember what they said, but they promised that if I surrendered myself to the chamber -- in the chamber? -- then all would be perfected. [hostile - surrender - previous scene (1d3 person,place,thing: 2)]
No idea. But I'm sure that was the word.

+1d6=5 Madness (to 19)

they open the door to peek out

Horrid Hallways
Sight - Disatance - Hidden
can't see end

Smell - rug - rank
Smell - Temperature - Cloying
cold & damp, mouldy carpet

The hallway result gave me the first clue to their location: a fancy hotel somewhere in the countryside. The Cloying smell & Temperature made it obviously abandoned. Until now I'd been assuming they were still somewhere in London.

Q: Anyone present? Unknown 1d6=6: O2 C3 - no, but... might be detected

Dex/Stealth rolls : C 2d6+1-2=7, E 2d6-1-1=8
vs. 2d6+1=5, not detected

Wis/Perception rolls to hear anyone as they pass
8+: both fail

hallway seems to stretch as they go down it, but could just be the drugs

come to...

Abandoned Places
Taste - Tart - Statue