Tuesday 1 March 2022

Silent Legions solo - Part 14: Boundaries not to be pushed

27 November, 11:00am

"Cat, it's Mary. Something... something horrible happened. Can I see you?"

. . .

[Scene 7]

Cat meets Mary in a bustling coffee shop near Seven Dials. Cat's never seen her in such a state; her usual effervescence has been replaced with a mournful gravity punctuated by nervous tics.

"Mary, you look..."

"Yeah. I know. You're not... you're not busy today, are you? I'd rather not have to be alone."

"Amit's off talking to people whose names I'm not supposed to mention in front of you, so no: my dance card is free."

"Great. I'm still processing the... what happened, and I don't think I can speak about it yet."

"Take all the time you need. Like I said, I got all day."

"I really appreciate this, Cat. More than you could know. You're sure you don't mind just hanging out?"

Cat is indeed content to be led wherever, talking about nothing and everything. She is treated to a Mary's-eye view of central London: an extended trip to Forbidden Planet for comics, a side-trek up to the Waterstones on Gower Street to buy a good French-English dictionary ("I'm taking classes, you know."), a croque madame at Paul. They even take in a random animé at the Prince Charles.

Mary finally tires of crowds, and suggests they go back to hers to order in something and finally have a proper talk. Plus, she's got something she needs to show her.

When the last of the iskender has been consumed and the second bottle of wine opened and poured into the Clone Wars mugs purchased that afternoon, Mary launches into her narrative. She holds nothing back, describing in detail her investigation of the kitchen, her arrest of the thief, the human livers, and especially the attack by the shadowy beast in her office, the dream-but-not-a-dream.

"...and when I got home last night, I found this!" Mary pulls up her t-shirt to reveal the swollen purple bruise across her side. "I know it isn't psycho-somatic. But do you have any idea what it is?"

[11+ Int/Occult to have an idea: 2d6+1=9, no]

"Sorry, it's not ringing any bells. Does it hurt?"

"Only when I touch it. I know, don't touch it, right? But, Cat, I'm scared. What if it comes back tonight? Please, would... would you stay over and keep an eye on me? Please...?"

"Like you have to even ask!"

Cat does her best to keep Mary's spirits up and distract her from any thoughts of nocturnal visitations. She suggests they watch a film or something, and anything Mary chooses will be fine. Mary's willing to give Cat veto powers, but when she discovers that Cat's never watched Farscape, she makes an executive decision.

[Q: Does anything supernatural happen? Unknown, 1d6=5: O5 C5 - no.
+Event:  PC negative - Cat - surprise / love]

Mary's flat may be the size of a shoebox, but the radiator somehow can't keep it warm, so Mary grabs a duvet off her bed for them to sit under. Mary is tense and skittish at first, but by the second episode the fear has finally melted away. Under normal circumstances, her constant commentary and trivia barrage would have moved Cat to murder, but tonight she's just pleased to hear Mary chattering away happily. And Cat's almost impressed at how much Mary knows about the show -- if maybe a little scared.

Three episodes in, Mary is starting to mellow. The warmth and wine have taken the edge off her nervous urgency, and she goes whole scenes without commentary. She smiles up whenever Cat looks over at her, and even rests her head on Cat's shoulder. Her hair is like silk, and smells faintly of peaches. Cat breathes it in, kisses the top of her head. She squirms closer and giggles. Hugs Cat so tightly she can't breathe. She looks up again, holds Cat's gaze. Cat leans in and presses her mouth to Mary's.

"The hell, Cat?!"

Mary's suddenly at the other end of the settee.

"I, uh... shit. Misread cues, that's all..."


"I should probably go."

"N-no. I really need a friend right now. Please don't leave me alone. I'm frightened it will come back."

"Of course I'll stay. I'll be on best behaviour, promise."
[Scene 8]

Monday, 28 November 10:04am

Mary wakes with a head-shattering hangover. She looks over at the alarm she'd forgotten to set and swears. She stumbles out to the kitchen and puts the kettle on. The noise wakes Cat, who sits up sleepily on the settee. "I'd best get to work," says Mary. "I was going to put some toast in. Want some?"


"So it looks like I'm making you breakfast after all... probably not how you were hoping last night, but..."

"No hard feelings, then?"

Mary just laughs.

After their perfunctory breakfast of toast and coffee with a paracetamol chaser, Cat follows Mary to the tube. Mary hugs her goodbye and disappears into the station. Cat decides a walk might clear her head. She gets coffee to go from a kiosk, texts Amit to see if he's awake, then walks in a random direction.

He soon rings her to tell her the meeting with Tihan's boss has been set up, and they agree it's time to ask Elgin's advice.
They convene that afternoon in a pub on the river in Greenwich.

"So, Elgin," says Cat, "ever run into a dominatrix named Angharad?"

"I haven't done, no. Wrong half of the scene, Cat."

"She's hired us to get her in touch with some east London gangster who does a side business in occulty stuff. And possibly a cannibal cult..."

[Q: Does this mean anything to Elgin? Likely (3+): O6 C3 - yes, but...]

"If it's who I think it is, I'd stay well clear. What's this Angharad bird want with him?"

"She's after something called the 'Silver House'. Ever heard of it?"

[SH: What Do Legends Say Of It? A few hints exist; Int/Occult difficulty 12 to know them.
2d6+2=8, fail]

"No. But I can do some digging. Anything else?"

"Now that you mention it..."

Cat explains everything Mary told her about the kitchen and her spectral encounter, including the horrible bruise. She also laughs at her own misstep, at which Amit merely shakes his head and says, "too bad there's no 12-step programme to fight your addiction to straight girls."

[Scene 9 : Time for meeting rolls round

Q: Where is it? (via Scarlet Heroes Urban Locations table; 1d10: 1-4 Public Locations, 5-8 Slum Locations, 9-0 Elite Locations)
d10=4, d20=Tavern]
28 November 8:02pm

An hour before the meeting is due to start, Tihan texts Amit an address, which turns out to be a quiet working class pub in Limehouse. Tihan's there in a suit, looking completely incongruous but none of the locals pay him any mind. He ushers Cat and Amit past the dart board into the back room, and closes the door after them all.

Besides a bartender, there are four men in the room, all wearing rumpled street clothes. Two are sat at a booth in the corner talking quietly, one plays a fruit machine. The last sits in the biggest booth, hunched over the sporting section of a newspaper. A mobile phone is on his right, a huge plate of chips and half-empty pint on his left. The glaring yellow light highlights the jaundiced cast to his gaunt features, accentuating every deep crevice in his sallow face, illuminating every liver spot on his scalp through his thinning hair.

[Q: Does the Enemy suspect Cat has a police contact? Doubtful (6): O4 C5 - No.
Q: Does he have an inkling who Amit is? 50/50 (4+): O3 C7 - No.
Crime boss
Age: Decrepit, perhaps past their prior glories or still holding on.
Profession: Government official, cop, or agent of the state. (ex-cop)
Memorable Quirks: Has a strikingly unusual physical feature
Social Standing: Loved and admired by many, envied by other peers
Their Advantage in the Situation: Access to illicit goods and weaponry when needed

Personality: Frigid, Always Hungry

NPC Relationship: friendly
Conversation Mood: neutral
mysterious - conundrum - last action]

Tihan gestures for Cat and Amit to sit at the big booth, then stands back to guard the door. The man looks up at them and speaks with an imperious manner that belies his seeming decrepitude.

"I heard you two were looking into my business. I don't like people looking into my business. Now, what should I do with the pair of you?"

"Can we talk openly here?" asks Amit.

"You'd best be doing. I'd hate to be in your shoes if you're wasting my time."

"OK, this is a little odd. We have been hired to track you down and arrange a meeting with our patroness."

"And who might she be?"

"Someone looking for an in. Not with your, er, business affairs. But the other stuff."

"Occult shite," adds Cat.

"I can't be arsed to meet with every Harry bloody Potter fan who wants a taste of the real thing, now can I? What's this about, really?" [prejudiced - view - current scene]

"She said to tell you she's 'interested in that which sits within the Silver House'."

"Alright, there's something in that, yes. But, as interesting as this no doubt is, I don't see where the benefit to myself lies." [scheming - negotiation - current scene]

[Amit needs to roll 9+ CHA/Persuade: 2d6+2=5, spends Expertise for re-roll: 12]

"Honestly, we can't answer for her," says Amit. "We're just her agents in this. But I can say that she chose to go straight to you for this matter, and not to the Chalice or the Star."

"And should she have wanted an appointment with either of them? Where do you two sit?" [inquisitive - request - community]

"Independently of both. Though we've contacts in each."

[Q: Does he give them an answer now? Likely (3+): O5 C1 - yes, and...]

"Tihan, give these two your number. Arrange this meeting. I'm interested in hearing what this mysterious woman has to say."

. . .

[Q: Is Mary in the clear for the time being? Unknown: 1d6=2: O3 C6 - yes
Q: Anything happen before Angharad's meeting? 50/50 (4+): O6 C5 - yes
Q: What? NPC action - Angharad - perceive / desires]

Tihan gives them a ride home, and they exchange numbers with him. Cat rings Mary, gives her the details of the pub and a description of the man they met, apologising that they couldn't ask his name. She gives roughly same information to Elgin, but he's got nothing to add. Amit rings Angharad to tell her news; she says she wants to meet again.

[Scene 10 : meeting Angharad]
29 November 6:00pm

Angharad arrives at the east London flat. She's probably appalled at the state of it, but doesn't let on her distaste. Amit shows her into the living room as Cat goes into the kitchen to bring out the wine.

"You're in luck," says Cat. "We've even got proper wine glasses for a change."

Angharad's smile is all warmth and graciousness, and doesn't let on her inner amusement that she's being presented with brandy snifters.

"Well," she says, "since you've put the wheels in motion to set up my meeting, it now falls upon us to discuss your payment. What would be a suitable reward?"

"Some dosh wouldn't go amiss," says Amit. "Got some debts to pay off."

"I'm wondering what's on offer," says Cat.

"I should be able to provide all manner of things. If this all goes to plan..." [mysterious - obscurity - equipment]

"Maybe I should wait then."

"Maybe you should. If it doesn't work out, I suppose more money will have to suffice."

[Amit plies Angharad for info, tries to sound out what she knows: CHA/Persuasion check 8+: 2d6+=9
Q: Does she know very much? Unlikely (5+): O1 C2 - no, and... only what her client told her
Q: Is she forthcoming? Unknown 1d6=4; O6 C4 - yes, but...]

"So what's this Silver House, then?" asks Amit as Cat's pouring from the 2nd bottle of wine.

Angharad makes a show of swirling her wine in the goblet. "This is nice stuff, actually. I'm impressed."

"Yeah, we had to entertain the Star once. They're a bit posh."

She laughs, then straightens in her chair. "I'm afraid I only have half the story, but it was enough to cause me to devote every waking moment since to finding it out. In the Silver House is a Chamber, in which sits something that can lead you to you your greatest desire. That client of mine, the one I told you of, once confessed this to me, that she had read cryptic passages in an old manuscript she'd acquired, and had at last found some people who held the key, as 'twere, to unlocking the house and its secrets. She disappeared soon after. Ever since I've been doing research -- fruitlessly -- and making enquiries."

"I'm surprised," says Cat, "that you haven't run afoul of the cult -- sorry, the Circle -- or the Star before now."

"I had a feeling her disappearance was related to this, so I didn't want to attract undue attention. Luckily  my profession has given me a good grounding in discretion. I take it you won't tell anyone of this, either."

"Of course not. But out of curiosity, who was this client of yours. Only I might have known her."

[Q: Will she say? 50/50 (4+): O4 C2 - yes, and...
Q: Is it someone Cat knew? Unlikely (5+): O6 C8 - yes
Q: What was she like? Wildly / Magnificent]

"Her name was Marjorie."

"With the ankh scarification on her shoulder?"

"The very same."

"She was something else! I didn't know she'd stuck with them after I left."

"Oh, yes. She saw them as a useful tool, to an extent. But she said there was a lot of infighting amongst the upper echelon, and I'm certain she disappeared when they discovered she had something that she wouldn't share."

"The manuscript?"


"I don't suppose you know where it is...?"

[Q: Does she? Doubtful (6): O3 C4 - no, but... has vague idea, requires Investigation scene to acquire (which I rolled now to determine what she says)]

"She said she gave it to an aunt in Highgate for safekeeping, but that she doesn't even know she has it."

"What's her name? The aunt's, I mean."

"I've already hired some guys to turn over her place. They didn't find anything."

"Give us her name anyway. I might have an idea."

next post: grave robbers!

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