Uakye B439598–D Ni
Ortance promised herself she'd not be the last one in the office again this evening. Some of the Gamma Lab technicians were going out to the Zhodani's Head for a few pints and she'd been invited. But here she is, double-checking her sim reports so she can drop them off when she knows the section chief won't even look at them until after the weekend. Besides, she can hear voices coming from the admin cubicles down the corridor. So she isn't the last one here.
Oh, but she shall be if she stays to finish these figures. Right, time to knock off and have a go at being social for a change. She takes up the stack of the annotated hardcopy reports she'd finished and then heads over to the section chief's office to deliver them.
The desk lamp is on, as is his computer, but the section chief is nowhere to be seen. Ortance helps herself to a memo pad and dashes off a note to say the rest of the reports are to follow. But when she puts the reports on his chair, she can't help but peek at what he has up on his screens.
It seems to be notes on a clinical trial of whatever hush-hush project they're working on in Theta Lab. Water cooler rumours say it's some sort of chromosomal therapy agent, but looking at the graphs on the screen she's sure it can't be. Intrigued, she reads the note from the head researcher below the raw data: "Batch 92.003-z results disappointing. Euphoric effects and addictive properties both lower than last. Perhaps we can increase addictiveness if the peptides..."
She can't believe what she's seeing, or stop herself from looking further. It looks like they are purposefully developing a street drug to be highly addictive with a minimum of immediate side effects provided that a steady supply is maintained, but painful withdrawal symptoms should it be broken: chemical shackles for a productive slave class. And she recognises the names of a dealer or two in the local 'test market' delineations.
Ortance is sickened at the thought of her company engaging in such heinously immoral research, and she immediately resolves to report it to the authorities. There's a fresh datacrystal on the desk. She slots it into the dataport and begins copying files onto it, hiding behind the desk so no one sees her in here. If someone does come by, she'll pretend she dropped the hardcopies on the floor and is picking them up. Is that a voice in the corridor? Why is this taking so fucking long...
[As stated in the character creation post, the 3rd Life Event I rolled on the table in Solo made a good campaign start: Learnt something you shouldn't know; you fled for your own safety.
Sometimes getting a first adventure going requires a fair few Oracle questions as well, so here are the ones that I used to figure out the exact set-up described above--
Q: What does Ortance discover? Divide / Status quo (new drug to control workers)
Q: Any nearby portable storage? 50/50 (4+): O5 C2 - yes, and...
Q: Is anyone else about? 50/50 (4+): O4 C3 - yes, but... only 1d3=3 others still in the office
Rules for the campaign will be Classic Traveller. I'm just going to use simple character creation methods for all PCs/NPCs (i.e. Book 1 & Supplement 4, but not books 4-7). All the world data will be a combination of the published sources I have in hardcopy and my own extrapolations from the UWPs, so it might contradict later sources that I haven't seen; I'm more interested in keeping the game moving than researching canon.
My copy of The Traveller Book still has the original dustjacket, since the previous owner protected it with a plastic cover.
But it's very shiny and hard to photograph in a nice tableau.
But it's very shiny and hard to photograph in a nice tableau.
I've been using Mythic & my MCSV for the oracle, but due to the hexcrawl-y nature of a lot of Traveller, I haven't been using scenes yet. This will probably change if I continue much longer and pick up Patron missions or the like. I'm using a lot of the random tables in Zozer's Solo (ship encounters, bad reactions, port/jump/world events, NPC relationships, etc.) as usual. I'm using UNE for NPC conversations.
Now, back to the adventure...
Ortance needs a Computer skill roll of 7+ to make a quick backup: 2d+1=8, success
Q: Does anyone happen by? unlikely (5+): O4 C4 - no, but...
+Event: Move toward a thread - Imprison / Fears]
The upload proceeds at a crawl. Ortance has seen faster glaciers on the annual school ski trip to Mt. Cratesicleia. 15 seconds... 20... 25... finally! [that's several terabytes of data transferring from a TL13 computer]
Ortance pockets the datacrystal and nips out of the chief's office, nearly running into Nirsiin, one of the receptionists [d6=f, d6=1 term], on her way to the kitchen with a handful of dirty dishes.
"Watch where you're going! Enri left half a cup of tiluu nectar on his desk and I don't want to drop it on the carpet or the smell will never go away."
[Ortance needs to roll SOC or less to keep it breezy (9-): 2D=10]
"Nectar? OK! Sorry, I really need to get home. For the weekend. For my plans. That I made."
Ortance doesn't wait for a response, but scurries off toward her office.
"Sure," mutters Nirsiin. "Fuck you very much, I guess."
"What was that?" calls Ortance over her shoulder.
"I said, 'have a great weekend!'" [reaction roll=6]
[Q: Does Ortance make it as far as the lift without further incident? 50/50 (4+): O5 C3 - yes, but...]
Throwing on her coat, Ortance walks speedily across the office. She glimpses Nirsiin talking to the chief by the kitchen, then hurries into the lift.
The security guard is on the commo as she is walking past the front desk. She quickens her pace as she steps out into the street.
The crowds are thinning out, as all sensible workers have already left Gahaskil business district to start their weekends. The street lights set in the level-D skyceiling have already dimmed to 'night' mode, which after 12 years Ortance still finds somewhat pointless, but then, she grew up on a planet (OK, a moon) where cities were mostly on the surface. So what does she know?
Right now, she knows that the security guard has followed her outside and is calling after her. Pretend not to hear. Head for the nearest group of people and try to get lost in the dwindling crowd.
[She needs to roll Streetwise 8+ to pull this off: 2D+1=10, OK]
The ambient hum of traffic, voices, and air recyclers makes it impossible to hear if she's being followed, but as she doesn't hear her name being shouted any more, she can assume she's lost them. She passes the maglev station, and vaguely follows the line overground for 800m to the next station before hopping the train back to her district.
[Q: Anyone obviously watching her flat? unknown d6=2; O6 C5 - yes
Q: Corporate security? 50/50 (4+): O3 C5 - no (=police)
Q: Are they uniformed? likely (3+): O6 C5 - yes
rolling encounter range : 2D=Very Long (probably too far for a residential street in an enclosed city, so dropping it to Long, ~60m]
Thanks to a good salary on top of corporate-subsidised housing, Ortance lives in one of the "undercity neighbourhoods". Tower blocks rise up almost to the artificial cavern's dome, where sunlights shine down to create the cycles of 'day' and 'night' in accordance with the 24-hour standard planetary clock. Between the residences are shops, parks, and recreation facilities. The truly wealthy live on the surface with ocean views out their windows, but Ortance has always been content with looking down on Gushdikaar park when it's lit up at night.
But the lights that catch her eye now belong to the police air/rafts outside the entrance to her building. She turns down a side street and keeps walking whilst considering her options. If the police are already onto her, it might mean they're going to start tracking her movements. They might even freeze her bank account. At least, that's what they do on all the crime shows she used to watch on Regina. And those were made all over the Marches.
She goes to the nearest shopping complex and withdraws cash up to daily limit: [1d6=] cr600. Then she goes to one of those discount clothing stores -- the kind from which she normally wouldn't deign to buy socks -- and purchases a casual, nondescript outfit off the rack (-cr50), including a floppy hat (fashionable back in 1103 -- ugh!) to hide her hair. She's kept it in the same blonde crown braid since she got her last employee identicard photo taken 4 years ago, mostly since it doesn't get messed up when she has to don a full protective suit to go into the clean room or the cryo-lab. She changes in a public toilet (again, ugh!) and walks the entire length of the shopping complex to where it opens into the next undercity neighbourhood over and looks for a somewhere to go where she can hide in a crowd. She tries to come up with a plan for survival whilst she walks.
"Right, I've go to know someone who will let me hide out at theirs whilst I think of a way out of this disaster..."
[I decided there should be three people from amongst her acquaintance that she might consider approaching for help. I rolled them on the Patron tables, but absurd results counted as mundane jobs instead. Then I rolled on the SOLO PC Relationship Table to see how they fit into Ortance's life
2) speculator, solomani female
1) loner
2) dependent on PC's support (but it's all an act)
3) broke up over differences]
"Hmmm," muses Ortance, "I could call Tirrins... but she hates people in her space, so probably wouldn't want me to stay over. Maybe Ianice... no, she'd make this all about her, somehow. and possibly try to sell me on one of her naff schemes. Or I could look up Amlaani... she's probably not still bitter..."
She doesn't think the police would be able to track the location of her personal commo if she uses it to call Amlaani -- not just yet, at any rate -- but just in case she makes the call from a public terminal.
[Q: Any luck? 50/50 (4+): O4 C3 - no, but... can only leave a message
Q: Does she call back? unknown d6=4: O6 C6 - yes. after 1d6-1=4 hours
+Event: PC negative - Communicate / The public]
Amlaani's comm must be set to private as it goes straight to her voicemail, so all she can do is mumble, "Hi. It's Ortance. Call me when you get this. Please."
She is sat in a gloomy dive bar nursing something bitter when her communicator finally goes off. It's Amlaani! she abandons her drink and goes out into the street to take the call -- the street noise is much quieter than the piped music.
[Reaction=10, responsive]
"Hiya, Ortance. Got your call. I was just thinking about you."
"Yeah. Saw your face on the news."
"Oh. Shit."
"I'm guessing you weren't just looking me up out of overwhelming nostalgia--"
"Or the burning desire to finally admit it was 70% your fault--"
"Amlaani, I--"
"Prolly not though. And this is more a face-to-face discussion than over the comm."
"Where are you?"
"Um, just walking around. Maybe we can meet somewhere. Fancy a late dinner? We could meet at that place that Ishidadiin had her 30th."
"You mean, the one where we first met? Are you sure this isn't just nostalgia."
Ortance sighs. "Sadly, no. But, hey, I can be there in about half an hour. 40 minutes tops."
"I'll get us a table."
[Q: Any issues getting there? unlikely (5+): O5 C3 - yes, but... =random encounter]
It's only two districts over, but Ortance doesn't dare take public transit, but instead walks through streets and lesser corridors and finally the last kilometre along the moving pavement.
The restaurant is in the theatre district, which is also the bar district once all the performances have let out, which they have by now -- it's already 00:30.
Threading her way through the jovial crowds, Ortance jumps when she feels a hand clamp firmly on her shoulder from behind. The police!
next post: dramatic entanglements!
fun story line!
ReplyDeletemy few attempts at solo play always sputter out. But as I don't use an oracle/mythic process, that may be part of the reason. I may have to look more into that. again.
I really recommend finding a good Oracle/GME. My solo adventures got 1000 times better once I discovered them.
DeleteClassic Traveler! I can't wait to read more. It's my favorite system to read about in your LPs, although I've never played it myself.
ReplyDeleteGlad you like them. I seem to be on a bit of kick right now, so there might be lots of Traveller for a bit.