[The random encounter at the end of part 1 was rolled as--
d66=riotous mob, 4d6=9 members
Q: Any surprises when Ortance gets to the restaurant? unknown d6=4: O3 C1 - no, and... Amlaani is trustworthy]
The Zikisud in Bloom is a cavernous late-night eatery that caters to a less rowdy clientele than do most of the local bars. Ortance makes a circuit of the tables before finding Amlaani sitting in a cosy alcove along the far wall."Hi, hun. Oh, you look awful. Sorry-- I mean the 'disguise'. I'd barely recognise you. If I didn't know you so well, that is."
"Um, hi. You look amazing! I mean... blue hair really suits you."
"Ta. The new boss wants to appeal to a younger crowd, so I jumped at the chance."
Small talk continues until the waiter has taken their orders and been back with drinks. But Amlaani is visibly bursting with curiosity.
"So, what have you been up to? The news said you'd embezzled a lot of money from the Luenvire and had done a runner."
"The filth outside my flat block seemed a wee bit excessive for tracking down an embezzler. Why are you laughing?"
"Sorry, love. I never get tired of hearing Lady Regina Poshington use our proletarian slang."
They laugh about old times for a while when the food has come, then Amlaani abruptly suggests they head back to hers. "You can stay until things blow over. If you don't mind slumming that long."
[Amlaani's SOC is only (2D=) 5.
Q: Any problems getting to Amlaani's? unlikely (5+): O5 C2 - yes, and...]
Amlaani lives in one of the 'warrens', a labyrinth of wide, dull grey corridors with numbered doors to the lower working-class quarters. The monotony is occasionally broken up by an 'open' space with shops and the occasional leisure centre.
As Ortance and Amlaani turn into the passage leading to Amlaani's front door, they see a pair of uniformed police officers waiting outside it. [2D=Medium range ~25m]
"Shit!" says Ortance as they duck back around the corner. "They must already have gotten my commo records."
"Don't panic, love. Disappear for an hour or so. That rubbish vargr chippie is still open all night. If they're still here, ring me up tomorrow and we'll figure summat out."
Ortance nods and does as she is told. Amlaani goes off nonchalantly towards her flat. The officers stop her brusquely and demand to see identification before quizzing her about her recent contact with Ortance.
[The Reaction roll would determine how this encounter played out. Any Hostile result would mean they take her down to the station for questioning, and an 'attack' would mean they hold her at least overnight. Any other result will determine the throw required for her to get rid of them easily.
Reaction: 2D=6, unreceptive; So she needs a 6- for them to believe her story: 2D=5!]
"She said to call her so I called her. I said if she wasn't going to return my Red Muons reunion tour t-shirt she could fuck off. She told me she was in trouble. I was like, 'does that mean you aren't returning my shirt'. She said yes. I said to fuck off. I didn't see the news until later. So I guess it's good she didn't have it, because aiding and abetting a fugitive isn't really my style. Then again, it was a really ace concert, and I really miss that shirt. Hey, if you guys search her flat can I get it back?"
The officers give her a comm-code in case she has any further contact from the suspect and bid her a good night.
[Q: Any further issues getting there? unlikely (5+): O2 C2 - no, and...
+Event: PC positive - Assist / Attention =a false lead that night takes the heat off somewhat
Amlaani has to work for the next 1d6-1=0 days; she gets the 'weekend' off.]
When Ortance finally arrives, Amlaani ushers her into the lounge where a pair of drinks are already waiting on the table by the settee.
"So, the police...?"
"Don't worry, love, I got rid of them. They think I still hate you."
"Do you? I mean, after--"
"I did. Not any more, I don't think. Do you still hate me?"
"No, I-- Looking back, I do think it was more my fault than yours. Um, sorry, I guess."
"You don't have to say that so I'll let you stay, you know."
"I know. But thanks for taking me in. I promise I won't stay long. I've been thinking it over and I've come up with a plan."
"Do tell."
"I have to get offworld."
"That seems a little drastic."
"Not really. The police were here, which means they are using my commo records to track me. I daren't turn this on again in case they can track its current location. Nor can I use my hand computer on the planetary network. They'll probably be freezing my assets too."
"OK... but why offworld? Why not tell the authorities what you found out? Not the cops. Planetary security, maybe. Seems they'd take a dim view."
"Far too risky. I can't trust them not to be involved. Luenvire is a subsidiary of Sharurshid -- our director moves in some pretty high-up circles."
"So where will you go?"
"Regina, I guess."
"Running home to mummy and daddy?"
"Rather! It's the subsector capital. I can get this to someone in the MoJ or... or... I'm not sure exactly. I'll figure it out when I get there. First things first: I need to find a way into the starport."
"OK, how are you planning to do that?"
"Not sure. I can't even go outside without risking being caught."
"That's not so hard. You just need a new look, is all."
"Is that all?"
"It'll be easy! And fun, besides. First, let your hair down out of those braids. It totally changes the shape of your face. And we can dye it. This is finally my chance to get you to go pink. Or maybe not. That would attract too much attention. Maybe something dark. A nice dark brown."
"Ugh, anything but that. You do know that's my original colour?"
"We dated for five months, love. I had noticed."
[Q: Does Ortance quickly wear out her welcome? 50/50 (4+): O3 C3 - no, but...
+Event: Remote event - Extravagance / Extravagance]
Whatever tender feelings may have been rekindled, within a few days Ortance and Amlaani soon start to remember why it is they weren't a good match. Ortance stays on her best behaviour and does everything in her power to avoid antagonising Amlaani, who tries in turn to focus on playing dress-up with her captive model. Ortance has ample time whilst Amlaani is at work to plan her escape. There is a three-day planetary festival coming up, the kind of which locals all know the origin from their school days but can never quite explain to foreigners. But the near-shutdown of all but essential services and constant street parties should make it easier to get away.
![]() |
Ortance's new look |
The very early morning of Ortance's departure has arrived. Poor Amlaani is due to be at work early for a long day of overtime (there's a festival sale on), which she sorely needs after her unexpected house guest has stretched her budget this month. But she didn't want her to run off without a proper goodbye.
"You promised you weren't going to cry," says Ortance.
"I didn't think I would. You know, I was starting to hope that you'd stay for good this time."
next post: into space!
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