Saturday, 1 March 2025

CT Solo - Part 7 : Off the ship

Ortance comes to in the dark in her stateroom, having been patched up. She feels quite woozy but the pain -- of which she is finally aware, now that the shock has worn off -- is dull and distant. She pulls on some clothing and totters out of her stateroom towards the bridge.

[been asleep 2d6=5 hours

Q: Any passengers in the lounge? 50/50 (4+): O5 C6 - yes
1d3=2; 2d5=1,2 both the hunter and the merc
reaction rolls: 8 & 6]

Major Ieske and the hunter are in the lounge when she passes through. "Job well done," says the hunter. The mercenary is just sullen and stares.

[Q: Who's on the bridge? 1d3=1 of the crew, d6=Gzo]

Only Gzo is on the bridge, diligently monitoring the security cameras. She looks up briefly when she hears the iris open, then looks back at the monitors as she speaks.

"You’re not supposed to be out of bed."

"Couldn't sleep."

"We dosed you with a lot of pain meds. How are you conscious at all?"

"Yeah. I guess I have a high tolerance still."


"Never mind. Where's, um, where is he?"

"Your assailant?"


"He's safely restrained in his stateroom."

"Oh. I wanna talk to him."

"I don't think..."

"I can handle it. I need to know."

"It's not that. Hal Ushsh, er, convinced him to make a confession to the Captain. I don't think he's going to be conscious for a few more hours."

"Where's the captain?"

"Later. Get back to bed."

Ortance is in no condition to object

. . .

When she awakens again, she sees the message light blinking on her display. 'When you get this, come to the bridge.'

She gets properly dressed this time, cleans her teeth (ick - how long has she slept?), and heads to the bridge, where Captain Rov is waiting there, absently monitoring the instruments. She stands helplessly by the entrance, waiting. He finally swivels in his chair to face her.

[Q: How much information did they get from Fadmer? 1 none, 2-3 the broad strokes, 4-5 fairly specific, 6 enough to scare them into handing Ortance over: d6=4

Reaction roll=9]

"Quite a world of shit you've dragged us into," he says. [knowing - speech - enemy]

"I'm, uh, sorry. I didn't mean to involve anyone else. I was just trying to get away."

"We should have thrown you out the airlock before we hit Whanga."


"Oh, come on, I'm joking. It's not the sort of thing that's good for morale on a ship, believe me. And you're part of the crew now, so there's a certain amount of looking-after that comes with it."

"Um, thanks."

"Sit down, Staalazingen, before you fall down. We need to know if you're holding anything back."

"Yes. Of course. From the top, then: I stole evidence of illegal research from Luenvire BioMed, where I used to work on Uakye. I'm taking it to Regina to hand over to the MoJ."

"That's... well, that's commendable."

"If you knew what they were planning... you'd understand."

"I'm not sure I want to know. So, you boarded the first ship heading Rimward?"

"No, just the first ship, full stop. They were after me, and either the police were in on it or the corp had convinced them I was a dangerous criminal. I just had to get away."

"So, no master plan?"

"Simply dumb luck and hope."

"Hm. We can try to help. Throw your pursuers off the scent somehow. We're kicking Fadmer off the ship at Forboldn. I don't think we can get much help from the authorities there, so we'll just have to let him go. We'll be kicking you off the ship, too. Publicly, at any rate. We'll find a way to double back and pick you up, but I want the mark on our ship lifted -- for all our sakes."

"Understood. And thanks."

"As I said, you're one of us now. Just as long as you understand this works both ways."

"Aye aye, captain!"

"Lluyd's always saying that. Is it a Solomani thing?"

[Q: Any problems before they hit Forboldn? unlikely (5+): O4 C3 - no, but... crew and passengers tense.
Q: O get any visitors? unlikely (5+): O6 C7 - yes
Q: Who? (1d6) 1-4 crew, 5-6 passenger: crew, d6=Gzo]

Forboldn D893614-4 Ni

Ortance spends the rest of the jump in her quarters, having been officially relieved of duties by order of hal Ushsh. About an hour after the ship returns to normal space, Gzo stops by to see her.

"How are you? Fit for duty yet?"

"Um, I don't know. I guess."

"You're not winning any awards for your work here, you know? Sneak on the ship, hired on because the captain is soft, bringing a hired killer aboard and keep things to yourself, and now you're 'just too traumatised to work'." [prejudiced - assessment - campaign]

"I never--"

"That was our esteemed medic's opinion. But you want to know mine? leave. We're sending you ashore at Forboldn for some attempt at throwing the pursuit off our tails. Just walk away. Get a berth on another ship and go wherever you want, but don't come back here. If you've any decency, you'll see it's the right thing to do. And if you don't... I just hope you don't get us all killed."

[no ship encounters]

After six more hours the Issaries touches down at the starport, which is only marginally better than the one on Knorbes. Or Whanga. And this is mostly down to the massive amount of warehouses and a miserable little transit centre that looks like a maglev station food court -- only with more sheet metal.

[Remote Event from earlier -- Delay / Illness: there was a plague outbreak onworld, but it's seemingly contained now (check for illness amongst new passengers, etc.).

Q: Do they hear of the plague on-world? unlikely (5+): O2 C4 - no, but... will after 1d6 days in port]

Crew salaries are due. Ortance is getting her 1st month pro rata (20 days, so 2/3) AND garnished 75%. She gets cr500, and her debt to the ship is reduced to cr8500.

The passengers are disembarked. Ortance is given her money, the confiscated pistol, a filter mask, and the long range communicator. Stantil tries to re-assure her, telling her it's already tuned to the Issaries' private frequency.

She mopes off into the centre to find a way into the settlement proper. It's scarcely less primitive than Knorbes, but the ubiquitous construction machinery looks all to be of offworld manufacture. According to the Library Data, the first colonists only arrived in 1089 -- when Ortance was 18. She's going to have to be on her own here in these conditions for a few days -- hopefully not any longer. Suddenly she feels homesick for Uakye. Or Regina.

[Random encounter getting out of starport: Police patrol
2D=6 cops with pistols - 2 have SMGs as well
Reaction=4, hostile attack on 8+: 6]

There's some sort of incident taking place inside the terminal, but she can't immediately tell what it is. A group of armed 'police' (corporate thugs, essentially, as Govt Type=1) usher her rudely away. [9+ to find out what's going on, DM +1 for high INT, +streetwise: 2D+2=5, no idea]

She doesn't want any part of it. Fortunately there are transport links on the other side. Ortance pays for a ticket and gets the light rail (steam powered!) into town.

[Q: Is Fadmer about? unlikely (5+): O5 C2 - yes, and...
surprise rolls: 3,4 they both notice the other]

She's been on the lookout for Fadmer ever since her boot made its first impression in Forboldn's dusty soil. She was relieved not to see him anywhere at the terminal. She only catches a glimpse of him as her train is pulling away from the platform -- and he's on it!

She sits with her back to him and feigns ignorance. At the first stop, somewhere sparse and industrial-looking, she attempts to dash off the train just as the doors are starting to close.

[roll under DEX (8-): 2D=7, ok]

She springs out onto the platform just in time. Fadmer stares at her out the window in surprise, and Ortance can't resist showing him two fingers as the train chugs inexorably away.

But where the hell is she? Is this what answers to startown?

[For killing time on Forboldn, I ran her through a sequence of Travelling Alone.

When she gets to Options, it will be time to radio the ship.

>Upkeep cr360 as she's skint (SOC effectively 6)
>Buy equipment - a changes of clothes, cr25
>idem (-cr25 more)
>Sell Equipment
>Event: Legal encounter, throw Law Level+ to avoid
allowing DM+streetwise 2D+1=10, avoided

Putting all that into a bit of narrative--]

Forboldn is a particularly grim little world, and the port area grimmer still. Fortunately, Ortance once picked up a taste for slumming, which is useful when one's options are limited. She finds a dingy little residence hotel to stay in, utterly lacking in charm, and buys only as much food as she can cook in the room. She does splash out cr50 for two new outfits, local clothing styles to fit in better, and cheap as you like. She finds an inordinate number of pawn shops in the neighbourhood between the bars and gambling halls and is similarly taken aback at the large number of police on such a low Law Level world. Luckily she knows how to avoid them.

Four days later Ortance has grown immensely weary of the local entertainment options. Thank fuck it's almost time to call the ship.

next post: rendez-vous!

Friday, 14 February 2025

CT Solo - Part 6 : The gun


The Issaries lifts off into orbit, and after about 6.4 hours travelling out to 100d makes a seamless transition into jump space. [no malfunctions, misjump, or ship encounter]

The voyage progresses calmly, and the crew are mostly on good behaviour. Gzo snipes at Stantil a little, but he shrugs it off and she doesn't press the matter. [bad reaction -- avoid on 8+: 2D=8, just]

This is Ortance's first time taking care of passengers, so she does her best to be as attentive to their needs as possible [needs 8+ (Steward-0) to avoid a problem: 2D=11]. She surprises herself at how well she can keep them all happy. The four suits from various firms seem mostly content to talk amongst themselves. The hunter is a little more needy; she's announced her intention to take passage all the way to Jenghe, and aside from making a mess in the passenger lounge, she sems affable enough. Even the angry mercenary from the inn isn't as difficult as Ortance had feared. Nothing is going wrong at all... until the [1d6=] fourth day in jump.

[ship event: Theft from a passenger stateroom or luggage area

Q: Is it one of the 2 interesting NPCs who's the victim? likely (3+): O5 C5 - yes, d2=merc
+Event: PC negative - Take / The mundane]

It starts with a seemingly inconsequential happenstance: Ortance comes back from clearing the galley and notices that the nice perfume she picked on Knorbes [Generously / Feminine] is missing from her stateroom. She doesn't remember taking it off her side table by the bunk. She's still wondering where it got to when the mercenary knocks at her door, asking for a private conversation.

Major Amna Ieske
A8A986   Age 30   Army  3 terms
Homeworld: Mertactor
Rifle-1, Autopistol-1, Blade-2, Leader-2, ATV-1, Gambling-1, SMG-1, Tactics-1
Low Passage, Auto pistol, Cr10000
Personality: Guilt Ridden, Sullen

"Someone's nicked my pistol from my quarters," says Major Ieske.

"I thought all passengers' weapons were stowed in the ship's locker."

"Well, you must have missed one."

"That's a breach of protocol!"

"Is that really what bothers you about this?"

"Of course not. Sorry. When did you see it last?" [1d3-1=1 days ago]

"Yesterday. Ship's time."

"I'll see what I can do."

Ortance goes straight to hal Ushsh. "I need your help..."


She explains the problem, and hal Ushsh surprises her both with her eagerness to help and her promise to keep it quiet for now.

"Whilst I'm serving dinner in the lounge, I need you to look through the staterooms of everyone present -- and quickly. I'll ping your commo if anyone leaves early."

[Q: How many show up for dinner out? d6=all!
Steward 6+: 2D=9]

Ortance's half of the plan seems to go well. All six passengers show up for dinner and she keeps them fed and happy, though Major Ieske's usual grimace seems even more dour than usual. Ortance has planned a meal with extra courses tonight to give her more opportunities to get close to her charges, clearing plates and pouring wine. She hopes that she can detect the perfume thief, though she doubts that anyone would be foolish enough to wear the scent before disembarking. Still, there may be a lingering trace if they'd tried it.

[She'll need to roll SOC- to detect anything: 2D=5, success

Q: So, does anyone smell of perfume? unknown d6=4: O5 C6, yes
Q: Who? 1d5=not the hunter, so random roll on the Patron chart; absurd result =businessperson
d66=naval officer; terms=3, human male]

And there is! And not on who she'd have expected. The man's name is Fadmer Vigapf, and he'd done 3 tours in the Imperial navy before joining the private sector. When he proffers his wine glass for another round, she gets a definite whiff of it on his fingers.

When dinner is over, Ortance pings hal Ushsh for a briefing. Or is that a debriefing? She's no veteran herself, and doesn't want to get it wrong and make an arse of herself in front of her new soldierly shipmate.

[Q: Can hal Ushsh get through all the staterooms before someone leaves? unlikely (5+): O6 C5 - yes
Q: Did she find anything? doubtful (6): O1 C1 - no, and...]

Hal Ushsh is annoyed that she couldn't find any evidence -- of perfume or weapons -- in any of the staterooms. But she agrees to shadow Mr. Vigapf for a time.

Then Ortance reluctantly finds the Captain to make a report.

[Q: on a scale of 1-6, how angry is he? d6=4, rather put out]

He upbraids her for a few minutes for failing to get the passengers onboard correctly, then abruptly asks what she's going to do about it.

"I think I know who stole it. Or, at least, stole something from my quarters."

"You had a weapon too?! You know, I am still within my rights to put you out the airlock."

"No! it was that perfume I bought on Knorbes. I smelt it on one of the passengers tonight at dinner. I think he must be the thief."

"We can't go accusing innocent passengers... or letting rumour get out about how we run the ship."

"I understand. I can take care of this quietly. So far, only hal Ushsh knows. I just need a small toolkit from engineering."

"For what?"

"In case it's hidden in the ducts."

"This is going ot be a theme with you, isn't it?"

"I hope not."

"I'll tell Lluyd to leave a toolkit in your stateroom."

"I'd rather it were on the bridge -- my room's not secure."

"I hope you know what you're doing."

[Q: Anything happen before 'nighttime'? unlikely (5+): O6 C8 - yes
Q: What? Remote event - Delay / Illness (noted)]

The 'evening' is quiet, and Ortance is only bothered a few times by passengers wanting a nightcap or needing help (again!) with the onboard entertainment programme. When everyone is presumably fast asleep, she fetches the tools from the bridge, dons a set of engineering coveralls, turns off the alerts on her comm, and sneaks through air/maintenance vents on the passenger deck to spy on the former naval officer.

[5+ to evade detection, DM +1 for Dex 9: 2D+1=5, just]

It's not as easy as she expected to peer down through the vents. She has to prop herself up awkwardly to see anything. And doesn't enjoy feeling like she's doing something perverse. Thankfully, her suspect seems not to be undressing for bed just yet.

[Q: Anything to see? unlikely (5+): O6 C1 - yes, and...
Q: Does he leave the stateroom? unknown: d6=2: O3 C3 - yes, but... after O has crawled off
+Event: PC negative - Pursue / Investment (suddenly, the pieces all fit into place!]

He is just sitting on the edge of the bed, turning something over in his hands -- the purloined pistol!

Ortance craws back out of the ductwork and balls up the coveralls which she deposits with the tools back in engineering. Then she checks her comm to see there were no messages and goes back to her stateroom to get clean and changed before bringing in the cavalry.

But when she gets out of the fresher, she finds Fadmer sitting on her bed with the pistol in his hand. She yelps and shuts herself back inside. He knocks on the door and says, "put this on and we can have a civilised conversation" whilst handing her uniform through the cracked open door.

Fadmer Vigapf
866AC9   Age 32   ex-Navy Lieutenant  3 Terms
mechanical-1, navigation-1, auto-pistol-1, admin-2, dagger-1

She emerges to see him standing with his back against the stateroom door. He waves her over towards the bed with the gun. She sits on the edge. He remains standing, holding the gun down -- but holding it nonetheless.

"Where is it?" he asks.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do. Where is it?"

"I don't know what you want. You must have the wrong person. I'm just a steward on a commercial freighter."

"Please, Ms. Staalazingen. Once they realised you'd fled offworld, Luenvire sent out agents to all the nearby planets to track you down. Fortunately for me, I drew the Knorbes assignment. Poor Agent Yilteseb got sent to Alell. Now, where is the data crystal?"

"What makes you think I even have one?"

Section chief Malaskisan had just gotten one that very day from the stationery cupboard. It was gone when you disappeared. And we know what data you copied. It set off alarms."


"Oh, indeed. If you return it to me, you may just walk off this ship alive."

"It's still on Uakye."

"I don't believe you."

"Why would I lie?"

"Because you seem to have no idea what you're doing, and you think I won't just have you put in cold storage and shipped back to Uakye to face your trial. Assuming they can wake you upon arrival..."

"Fine. But it's not in here. I've hidden it on the ship."


"In a crawlspace somewhere."

"Take me to it."

"So... if I hand it over, then what?"

"That depends on how sensible you are."

"You'd just leave at the next port?"

"Or the one after. Once I'd handed over the crystal, of course."

"And me?"

"Provided you keep your mouth shut, it's not worth having to clean up the mess of your murder. And without evidence, no one will believe your story."


"And if you are thinking of double-crossing me somehow, I should point out that I left word of which ship I'm travelling on. In case of any accidents."

"Fine," sighs Ortance. "I need the screwdriver in that drawer to get the hatch open. I'll get it so you don't have to root through my knickers. Slowly, so don't shoot."

Screwdriver in hand, she leads him silently into the cargo bay and opens the hatch leading to the ducts where she used to hide. She crawls in, then turns to ask, "you coming?"

[Q: Does he insist on following? likely (3+): O2 C8 - no]

"I'll wait here, if it's all the same. But don't try to stall -- or escape."

"The ship's not that big," concedes Ortance, who is inwardly planning to stall. Or escape.

[to stall and possibly outsmart him--
basic throw 8+
DMs -- both are SOC 9, so they know how to read one another; O's higher INT +1, his Mechanical -1, her Electronics +1: 2D+1=10, success]

She crawl back towards where she used to hide, but doesn't go the full distance. Instead she stops round the first bend, but leaves her feet still visible. She messes about a bit with panels and wires, and manages to tap into a computer port. She rips out some wires in hopes that it sends an alert.

[for this to work, throw 6+
DMs +computer, +1 INT over 10: 2D+2=8

Q: What sort of alert? Coolly / Damaged = engine coolant leak]

She stalls a bit longer, and is rewarded by the sound of the iris valve to the starboard engineering section opening. She calls back to Fadmer. "Got the inner hatch undone. I've got to move a few metres forward to get the crystal. Won't be two ticks!"

She slides off and tries to find a way into engineering.

[Q: Can she? 50/50 (4+): O4 C3 - yes, but...]

Ortance comes to a to a grating which she doubts she can remove, but she sees Lluyd looking at the reactor.

"Pssst! Lluyd! Hey, Rawwan!"

"What the fuck are you doing in there?"

"We're being hijacked! Activate the anti-hijack programme!"

[Q: Does Fadmer come in to investigate? unknown d6=2: O6 C8 - yes
Lluyd needs a DEX roll (9-) to alert the crew before he finds her: 2D=9, ok

Q: What does he do? (1d6) 1 attack, 2-3 restrain, 4-5 'take me to the captain', 6 play dumb: 3]

Lluyd sends an alert to the captain from the engineering comm panel moments before the iris opens and Fadmer steps through. He orders her at gunpoint to bind her own feet with emergency bonding tape, then he binds her hands behind her back. It's loud, so gagging isn't a worry. He uses a power drill to quickly unbolt the grating and heads into the crawlspace after Ortance, who is already sliding off in search of an exit.

[Q: Can he pick up O's trail? likely (3+, trail through the dust!) : O5 C2 - yes, and...

to get out of a different hatch before he overtakes her--
basic throw 8+, DM +1 for dex 9: 2D+1=8, ok
She randomly emerges near 1d18=stateroom (between #5 & #10 on the plan in Supplement 7, Traders & Gunboats)]

She thumps through the confines of the twisting ducts, and eventually clambers up to the upper deck through a hatch built into the floor grating between two of the staterooms. As she pulls herself up into the corridor, she sees Fadmer crawling up behind her. As his head and torso appear above the deck, she slams the grating down on him, but instead of hearing a wet thud, the deafening report of his pistol reverberates through the passage, and then lights flash dim and red as the hijack warning klaxons begin to sound distantly in Ortance's ringing ears.

[Q: Is Fadmer desperate enough to shoot? 50/50 (4+): O4 C7 - yes

He's got a base -1DM from Dex & skill, +2 for range (house rule: I don't use the bonuses on the attack matrix for armour, only the penalties), she's evading for -1, so total of +0.

Ortance's: DMs, +2 ~club at close range but -1 for her evasion, so +1 total.

so... F rolls 9, hit; O rolls 8, hit (actions are simultaneous)
O takes 3D=7 damage to (1d3=)DEX, physical UPP now 627
F takes 2D=6 to END, down to 860 - unconscious]

Without looking back, she sprints aft towards the galley, through it, and straight up the port side corridor.

[Q: Any crew there? 50/50 (4+): O1 C2 - no, and... no one (passengers wisely staying in their staterooms!)]

Her pace doesn't slacken as she runs through the next iris, up the corridor and into the passenger lounge. She bangs on the door to the bridge.

"Let me in! He's got a gun! Let me in!"

The iris opens after what seems like a lifetime. Even though they checked the monitor to see it was just her, there are three shotguns pointed at her face.

"Get in!" screams hal Ushsh.

She slips inside and they close the iris.

Gzo is still watching the monitors. "Where is he?" she asks.

"He didn't follow me?"

"Your shoulder!" interjects Stantil. "Have you been shot?"

"Oh. Shit. I--"

"Never mind that," says hal Ushsh. "It's not spraying, so it oughtn't be fatal. Where did you see him last?"

"I-in the starboard corridor. Um, port? No, definitely starboard."

"Stantil, you're ex-navy so I trust you to aim downwards and not hit me in any crossfire. Get to the starboard corridor iris. Staalazingen, you're with me."

Hal Ushsh goes out through the iris without waiting to see if they follow. Ortance and Stantil obey her mechanically, with varying degrees of shock and sang froid.

Ortance directs hal Ushsh back the way she'd run, and points uselessly at the disturbed floor grating towards which her comrade is already advancing. Stantil soon appears just beyond it, gun aimed downward. Hal Ushsh pads up and peers down along the barrel of her shotgun, then relaxes.

She activates her commo. "We're ok. Target neutralised. Cancel the alarms, please. They're doing my head in."

She hands her shotgun to Ortance, opens the grate the rest of the way, and jumps down inside. She tries to heft Fadmer up through the hole, but [STR 6] grudgingly has to call to Stantil for help.

Ortance watches passively as they get Fadmer out onto the deck. His face and shirt are drenched in blood.

"Is-- is he dead?"

"No. But he took a nasty bump on the forehead. That'll make you bleed like a speared hurood."

"Oh. Good."

"Speaking of bleeding," says Stantil. "You're doing rather a lot of it. Maybe we'd ought to see to that now that things are under control."

"Yeah. Um. OK. I'm just going to sit down... here for a moment... first...."

next post: it's not over yet!

Friday, 7 February 2025

CT Solo - Part 5 : Travellers have adventures?


In the morning, freight arrives on the same, or similar, vehicles. There's 190 tonnes of it, all stamped with Imperial registrations, and even with Whangan help the crew need another eight hours to get it fully loaded.

Hands are then shaken, goodbyes are said, and the Issaries takes off for the nearest lake for re-fuelling, then heads up to the jump point.

[no malfunctions, or ship encounters... jumpspace

To avoid a bad reaction (per Solo) 8+ : 2D=5
Who? 1d7=captain,
What? d6=Argument with another PC ; d6=Lluyd

Q: How much does O overhear (on a scale of 1-6): 4, a fair bit
Q: What does he say? UNE:mysterious - conundrum - parents]

Ortance is too tired to sleep, and for an hour after they've hit jumpspace she wanders, lost in vague and unfocussed thoughts, through the quiet ship. Or maybe not so quiet. She hears voices down the passage coming from the galley. It's the Captain and Lluyd. Then they're coming closer. No, not closer, just getting louder. And louder. And louder still. Now Ortance can make them out with absolute clarity, as the Captain lays into Lluyd about some past incident, though never mentioning it exactly as they both know very well to what he is referring. Lluyd's peevish counter-arguments are similarly opaque. The Captain's diatribe devolves into ad hominem remarks about Lluyd's doubtful parentage. And they are louder still. No, this time they are coming closer.

[She needs to roll Dex or less (9-) to duck out without being noticed: 2D=9, just...]

Ortance scurries away round the corner. The captain calls after her, asking her to back up his opinion, but she pretends not to have heard.

[Q: Any fallout? 50/50 (4+): O4 C1 - yes, and...
Q: What? Take / The public]

The next two days sees the argument flare up [d6=3] thrice more, and always when other crew are present. Many take to hiding away in their staterooms

[Q: do any of the other crew approach her? 50/50 (4+): O3 C4 - no, but...]

One night when Ortance has crept out for a snack, she catches Adpl in the galley on a similar sortie.

"Are they always like this?"

"It's not the most unusual occurrence, that's for certain."

"So... do we just hide?"

"It's safer this way. Believe me, you don't want to get involved. It should be nearly over by now."

Knorbes E888765–2 Ri

The Issaries comes out of jump at Knorbes near(ish) to a gas giant. But a panic sweeps the bridge when the M-drive won't start. Lluyd runs down to engineering diagnose problem.

[Event: Engineering problem requires all crew to help replace a huge component.
Ship Encounter: 200t far trader - Radio silence, they fear pirates]

As they are waiting for the diagnosis, a 200t far trader appears on the sensors. It doesn't hail them, and refuses to acknowledge any communications. Adpl runs to the turret to stand ready.

All eyes are fixed to the long-range scanner readouts as Lluyd's voice crackles over the intercom. "It's as I feared: the grav field regulator's T-housing is well and truly fucked. We've got the spare, fortunately, but I was hoping not to have to do this until planetfall on Hefry under a complete shutdown."

"What does this mean?" asks the Captain.

"It weighs nearly 500kg."

"Can't we use the grav pods from the cargo bay?"

"Grav pods... on the regulator."

"Oh, ah, right you are! Right, Ortance, you stay here and keep an eye on the sensors. Adpl will remain standing by in the turret. The rest of us, to engineering!"

Ortance is soon bored of watching the sensors blinking. But within the hour, the silent far trader leaves the gas giant's orbit on a jump heading. Adpl says they can stand down, and had probably better join the rest in engineering.

Whatever animosity had been eating at Lluyd and the Captain has been replaced by esprit de corps, as the crew sweat and strain in unison to replace the damaged housing. Ortance is swept up in their élan and is soon laughing and swearing along with the rest like a real spacehand.


Having repaired the M-drive and re-fuelled at the gas giant, the Issaries touches down on Knorbes some 68 hours after arriving in-system. [N.B. on the greater continent, not the restricted area covered in The Kinunir!]

[World (non-)Event: Security check. Roll the Law Level or higher (5+) to avoid a complete check of papers and a search of belongings and vehicle. 2D=6.]

Captain Rov meets some imperial functionaries on the landing pad, and they check over the ships papers for about 20 minutes before rubber-stamping a local clearance certificate. Despite -- or rather, because of -- the extremely low technology on the world, it's a popular tourist destination (for those who can afford such extravagance) and not at all the backwater its UWP would seem to indicate.

Ortance feels the need to stretch her legs after a week aboard ship, so when the Captain announces he needs to go into town to arrange the cargo delivery, she asks if she might be allowed to accompany him. Surprisingly, he says yes.

[He intends to bring 1d3-1=2 others.
Reaction roll: 2D=9]

Hal Ushsh will be going too, with a shotgun (in a carry-bag), just in case. All three get cutlasses to wear out of the ship's locker.

[Q: transport into town available? 50/50 (4+): O5 C5 - yes
+Event: Remote event - Communicate / Information = rumour about another system within J2 1d6=Forboldn]

There's a driver with a 6-legged, low-slung orange-skinned beast hitched to [d6=]his wagon who came to loiter by the landing pad ever since the ship was spotted in the sky. The Captain gives him some local currency (square metal coins -- he keeps a box of them in the ship's locker) for the ride.

The driver proves to be excessively garrulous. "I drove some cor-po-rate types inter town not [d6=] four days gone. One them said a-t'other the Lanthy-num deposits what they surveyed on Forboldn wasn't so big like what they putted in their re-port, nor of so much of purity, as they was like to secure more bigger funding for their extracting that-a-ways. They muster thoughted I was too much-like a yokel to understam what they was on about. Vraoksy little zruitins, they was!"

[Reaction roll for the driver was a 10, so I thought a Rumour seemed appropriate.
rumour : specific location, Naturally / Dry
Q: What's it about? Deceive / Benefits
magnitude : ±1 aid/annoyance depending on who they talk to
Q: Encounters in / on the way to town? 50/50 (4+): O2 C5 - no.]

It's getting late by the time they are dropped off in the town square. Rov puts them up in a travel inn. Ortance is taken aback by the primitive conditions in the settlement, especially as they're staying somewhere that caters to off-worlders.

[On a roll of Soc or less (9-), she'll make some tremendous gaffe. DM +streetwise: 2D+1=12]

She's never seen so many wooden buildings before. But she keeps her cool and doesn't do anything to embarrass herself. She doesn't balk at the straw mattress in the room she and hal Ushsh are sharing, and doesn't mind only having an oil lamp for light. And, most importantly, she can guess at the function of the chamber pot under her bed without having to ask -- or using it to store her valuables!

[Q: Are the corp types staying here? 50/50 (4+): O5 C4 - yes, but... not for long
Q: Anyone else? unlikely (5+): O6 C1 - yes, and...]

They are awakened in the morning by Captain Rov knocking at their door to summon them down for breakfast.

"Sleep well?" he asks a yawning Ortance.

"It wasn't quite as comfortable as the ship's ductwork, but not too badly."

When they descend the two flights of stairs (the inn, at 3 storeys, is the tallest building in town), they find the common room filled with offworlders. At one table sit [d6=] five people in expensive and pristine explorers' clothing [Aggressively / Clean]. Nearby are three men clad in outlandish furs and skins [Naturally / Fancy]. And alone in the corner sits a dour woman in the stained uniform of some mercenary battalion or other [Quietly / Horrible].

[Q: Do any take interest in the party? 50/50 (4+): O4 C3 - yes, but... (needs reaction roll)

The ones in the overdone 'rustic' garb (the natives here wear furs, but no more so than do the inhabitants of Regina) keep looking over and whispering to one another.

"They're making me paranoid," says hal Ushsh.

"I'll go order us some more of this, um, tea or whatever it is," says Ortance, "and see if I can't hear what they're saying."

"You must have good ears."

"Not particularly. But eavesdropping over breakfast is the way of my people. How else does one learn what one's friends really think?"

[She must roll under Soc (8-) to overhear anything : 2D=6, ok.
Conversation: scheming - bargain - retainers
Q: Who? (1d6) 1-2 Ortance, 3-4 hal Ushsh, 5-6 both]

Ortance returns with three more steaming cups. "So, it sounds like our friends were very taken with your 'proper military bearing', and were discussing whether or not they could poach you from us to keep them safe from the 'primitives'."

"Ha!" responds hal Ushsh. "I'd like nothing more than to see the 'primitives' rough up that perfumed lot. Tempted to do it myself!"

The Captain wants to get down to business. He says Ortance can come with him or have a look about the settlement on her own, but she's not really ready to be alone on such a world, a fact she confirms when she follows him outside into the square and is visibly shocked to see an air/raft floating by. One of the locals, noticing her surprise, begins to scream, 'a floating wagon! black magic! witchcraft!' until her friend makes her stop, and both devolve into peals of laughter.

"There's a lot of offworld tourism here," offers the Captain. "The, er, rustic character of the world is a major draw amongst the nobility. I'm surprised you've never heard of it."

"I'm not quite as posh as all that."

"Could've fooled me, m'lady," laughs hal Ushsh.

Captain Rov leads them into the commerce centre, which is notable for having electricity and robust, TL8 computer equipment. They also change imperial credits for local coinage - for a fee, and have an in-house broker [admin-1] to facilitate trade with the local government, farmers, and artisans (but there's an additional 3% surcharge, so 8% total). And, of course, things o Knorbes take place at their very own pace.

In the end, they pick up 195t of freight, 2t of silver for speculative trade, 6 high passages and another 9 low. After a quick jaunt out of town in a wagon to finalise some deals and a day to sightsee in and around the settlement, they head back to the ship to help with loading.

next post: action aboard!

[Or keep reading if you want some more mechanics & economics from all the above. There were lots of die rolls for very little adventure...

9 high passengers available
10 low
4 major cargoes: 60,60,30,30
6 minor: 5,5,10,15,15,30

Speculation: 25t silver @cr49,000/tonne (a bargain! but the crew aren't sitting on Mcr1.225!)

quick accounting--

cr100,000 ship's fund

+ 195,000 195t freight
-  98,980 2t silver
+  60,000 6x high passengers
+   9,000 9x low passengers
-  26,900 life support
cr238,120 new ship's fund

mortgage & salaries will be due at next planetfall (technically, on 060-1105)

things of course take extra time

Q: Does trading require a visit outside the settlement? 50/50 (4+): O4 C4 - yes, but...
Q: How is the trip? Slowly / Cute - party can't help but gawp at the idyllic scenery & quaint farmhouses

encounter: 2d=5 vigilantes with hand cannons
react=7, neutral (they don't approach the offworlders, just observe them pointedly)

legal encounter (5-): 2D=6, none; the vigilantes let them alone after a while. but they get the idea that the residents don't all love the outsiders

Q: Any run-ins at the inn? unlikely (5+): O2 c1 - no, and...
Q: Did anything interesting happen at the ship? 50/50 (4+): O1 C2 - no, and...
Q: Are any of the passengers from the inn? likely (3+): O6 c6 - yes
+Event: Introduce a new NPC - Travel / Travel = has 1d3+1=4 High Passages, will use them all (wants to go to Jenghe)

Q: Who is new NPC (via Patron table)? hunter, human female

Clanstie Venaodru
A666BA   Age 34   Hunter  4 terms
Gravitics-1, Air/raft-1, Hunting-3, Laser Rifle-1, Mechanical-1, Medical-1, Survival-2
Equipment: Laser Rifle

Q: Which group from the inn? d3=the merc]

Friday, 31 January 2025

CT Solo - Part 4 : Being useful

"Lock the door!"

"I did lock it!"

"Obviously you didn't."

"I tried!"

"Try again."

"I am trying."

"Then you're not doing it right."

"I think I know how a door works."

"Then prove it!"

Ortance has been sat on the bed staring helplessly at the two squabbling starship crew trying to lock her in a stateroom for several minutes before a third voice in the corridor barks at them to stop.

The captain appears in the doorway looking peevish. "What now?"

"The door doesn't lock."

"At all?"

"Maybe from the inside, but..."

"Lluyd, any ideas?" says the Captain, addressing someone behind him.

"It's probably the anti-hijack programme glitching again. I did warn you not to buy software off the back of an air/raft."


"Excuse me," says Ortance, "but I might be able to help with the computer. That's part of my job at the lab. Was part of my job. If I can fix it, maybe you won't space me. Deal?"

[I'd asked the Oracle--
Q: Does Ortance overhear anything useful to her predicament? unknown d6=5; O6 C2 - yes, and...

The Captain's reaction roll (spaced on 6 or less!): 2d=7, non-committal]

"Huh," says the Captain. "Sure, OK. Why not? But you're to be under armed guard at all times. You two, escort her to the bridge."

"Er," says Ortance turning to her captors," might I have that shower first?"

. . .

Ortance feels like a new woman after a quarter of an hour in the fresher and a clean change of clothes (she'd been saving it for planetfall). The elation lasts precisely until she opens the stateroom door to see the short woman with closely-cropped hair aiming a pistol at her chest.

"Let's get this over with," sighs her captor, and marches her forward to the bridge. "Sit at that workstation. Do you need a toolkit?"

"I shouldn't think so. I will need the password to access the system, though."

"It's written on the sticker on the terminal."

"Of course it is."

The ship's computer is somehow less sophisticated than Ortance's hand computer. Indeed, the green CRT terminal can only display text [both are Model/1, but it's TL5 vs. TL11]. But if she can find the error in the programming, it should be easier to fix than she'd feared. The creeping sensation of having a gun aimed at her back, however, is quite a source of distraction.

[8+ to fix, DMs +computer, +1 INT > 10, -1 nerves: 2D+1=9, OK]

Within the hour, Ortance has isolated the bad lines of code and before a second hour has gone she's re-written them properly. "There!" she announces triumphantly, "you may now lock me in my stateroom!"

[So, what does the captain want to do with her now that spacing is off the menu?

2d6 result
--- -----------------------------------
2-5 dumped on Whanga
6-9 allowed to work off debt (cr10,000)
10+ offered normal working passage


The Captain seems pleased enough with her work. "You'll be happy to know I've made up my mind about you. We could use someone to look after the computer, but as the conditions of our subsidy contract don't allow for a computer technician, we'll need to take you on as a steward. The pay's not bad -- cr3000 per month -- but we're going to withhold 75% of your salary until you've paid us back for this little 'high passage' it seems you've booked with us. Otherwise we'd need to throw you off the ship at the next port and forget we'd ever heard of you. What do you say?"

"A steward, you say. I can probably manage that."

"Welcome aboard, then."

[Q: Do they need a medic? doubtful (6): O5 C1 - no, and... Steward-0, cr3000/month (actually pays better)
Q: Anyone's uniform fit her? 50/50 (4+): O6 C2 - yes, and... 2d3= both Gzo & Lluyd are about her size (hal Ushsh is much shorter & stockier)
Q: Any guns on the ship? unlikely (5+): O6 C3 - yes, but... only one double turret

Crew is 6 [5 required +1 gunner]. I hadn't rolled much more than the Captain's personality until now, though I included a few snippets about the crew in the narrative above after the fact.

For simplicity, the ship's locker is identical to the one in the Chamax Plague, but includes breathing apparatus (x8) for all the planets on the ship's route (Regina to Efate).

Q: Anything unusual happen for the rest of the trip? unlikely (5+): O5 C3 - yes, but.. just the usual crew infighting

9+ to pick up on the simmering problems: 2D=5, no idea as of yet.]

Ortance spends the next two days of the jump getting a tour of the ship and its systems and becoming acquainted with her new shipmates, who are all surprisingly sanguine about the new addition.

There are six other crew aboard the Issaries, [1d6=] four of whom have spent their entire careers in the merchant marine. Most of them are around Ortance's age.

Captain Rov seems much older than his 38 years. He's prone to fits of melancholy and apathy, and his thoughts are often parsecs away from anything that's happening round him. He alternates between by-the-book captaining and extreme negligence -- he's the one who keeps the ship's computer password written under the display on the bridge.

Captain Otchter Rov
977C89 Age 38 Merchants 5 terms
Pilot-1, Vacc-1, Cutlass-2, Body Pistol-2, Electronics-2, Steward-1

The 2nd officer/gunner (the captain keeps intending to promote everyone a place, but never files the paperwork) is Ardriss Adpl, who is not very well liked, and may be after the captain's chair. He tells Ortance he's from Regina too, but she doesn't believe him.

2nd officer Ardriss Adpl
B78756 Age 30 Merchants 3 terms
Steward-1, Navigation-1, JoT-1, Blade-1, Vacc-1, Gunnery-1, Carbine-1

The navigator is 3rd Officer Listria Gzo. Her perfectionism borders on obsessiveness, and how she can serve under Rov is a complete mystery, as she brooks no deviation from the rule with those under her.

3rd Officer Listria Gzo
7466A5 Age 26 Merchants 2 terms
Blade-1, Laser Rifle-1, ATV-1, Navigation-1

Rawwan Lluyd is the 4th officer and engineer. It was she who first discovered Ortance in the crawlspace, and has since apologised for whacking her in the foot with a spanner. Lluyd is a Solomani -- not just descended from Solomani settlers in the Marches hundreds of years ago like Ortance, but an actual, born-and-raised on Avalon/ Reaver's Deep 3238 Solomani. She comes from a family of dissidents, which explains why she's so far coreward of her homeworld.

4th Officer Rawwan Lluyd 
89B857 Age 34 Merchants 4 Terms
Vacc-1, Mechanical-2, Engineer-1, Gunnery-1, Air/Raft-1, Autopistol-1

Nifuim hal Ushsh did a tour of duty in the army to avoid prison[Soc 2], where she ended up in the medical corps. As the ship's medic, her bedside manner is far too military. Her final rank was captain, and she and Rov have a running bit where they both salute each other as 'Captain' (though not in times of stress).

(Cpt.) Nifuim hal Ushsh 
6885A2 Age 22 Army 1 term
Rifle-2, SMG-1, Tactics-1, Medic-1

The pilot, Lt. Stantil, is ex-navy. He's the most welcoming of Ortance's new shipmates, and she has a feeling that he may just be the glue that keeps them all together.

(lt.) Srdonottorviu Stantil
777C89 Age 34 Navy 4 Terms
Pilot-2, Admin-1, Vacc-1, Revolver-1, Ship's Boat-2

Whanga E-676126–7 Ni

Ortance is rudely awakened by the entire world pulsing and shifting sideways -- apparently no one remembered to wake her up when they came out of jump. She steadies herself for a few minutes, then decides to get cleaned up and head to the bridge. There's a message light flashing on the panel when she emerges from the fresher. It's from Lluyd, apologising that they forgot to warn her about jump exit.

When Ortance stumbles onto the bridge, she finds only Stantil and Gzo present.

"Oh!" she exclaims. "So empty. I thought the bridge would be full."

"Why?" says Gzo, looking up peevishly from her instruments.

"Because... well, because we came out of jump."

"It's 6 hours until planetfall. I'm only here checking the route, then I'm going back to bed."

[no ship encounter

Q: Welcoming party upon landing? doubtful (6): O4 C4 - no, but... captain has radioed ahead and someone is expected in about 8 hours
+Event: PC positive - Gratify / Dispute - they've all basically forgiven her for stowing away. though she still owes the money]

The ship sets down on the flat rocky field near the nav beacon. "I've radioed ahead," says the captain, "Someone'll be here in eight hours to pick up the freight. Mister Adpl, hand out the philtre masks, then organise the work detail." Ortance is unsurprised to find herself on it, along with everyone else save the captain and 2nd officer.

The next eight hours are an endless haze of using grav pods to unload all the cargo crates onto wheeled flatbed trailers that were lined up for them in advance. They're almost finished when six enormous internal combustion vehicles roll up on their steel treads.

The people who emerge from their cabs treat the ship's crew like old friends [reaction=12], and have even brought gifts -- a knitted jumper for (d6=) the captain, plus sweets, pastries, and half a dozen bottles of some sort of fruit liqueur for the whole crew to share. They're excited to meet the newest member of the team. They help with the rest of the loading, then come into the ship for an hour or so for tea and cakes -- the Captain and 2nd officer have set out the galley in readiness. The Captain also hands over a box with a spare holo projector and some of the latest films out of Efate for their friends on Whanga -- their old one is getting worn out and they can't manufacture replacement parts on-world (TL7).

When the Whangans leave, the crew retire for the evening.

Next post: the primitives

Monday, 27 January 2025

CT Solo - Part 3 : Stowaway

Getting to the starport via the moving pavements is fairly straightforward, though the crowds are so thick in places that Ortance is forced to stand rather than walk along them. Security at the extrality barrier is noticeably lax, and she breezes past the checkpoint without being stopped. [She needed to roll over the Law Level (9+) to avoid customs; DMs +1 for festival, +Streetwise : 2D+2=12, OK]

Everything Ortance now owns in the world is in her shoulder bag, or as she now thinks of it, her stowaway kit. There's an assortment of tools comprising a makeshift electronics toolkit, a roll of bin liners (comprising, eew, a makeshift loo), a few extra layers of clothing, diet pills, and some protein wafers. She buys some more packaged food and a quantity of bottled water at some starport shops. She stares disapprovingly at the thin stack of Imperial Credit banknotes she has remaining, counting but [2d6x10=] cr80.

[With medical-1, I assume she has correctly calculated how much food and water she'll need for an 8 day trip to avoid serious starvation and dehydration. And I'd asked the Oracle:

Q: Does Amlaani have a spare respirator mask she can part with? 50/50 (4+): O4 C2 - yes, and... an extremely makeshift toolkit (DM -2, but better than nothing if needed)

Starport encounter: 1D=2 peasants

Q: What do they want? Travel / Rumour]

Most of the starport crowd is oblivious to the festival, save the skeleton crew of workers who couldn't get the day off. But the chaos and delays it's causing means that, for the most part, Ortance can get around without impediment. She is briefly approached by some very obvious offworlders, migrant labourers by the look of things, asking if she knows about any passenger liners that have docked. She takes them over to one of the arrival/departure boards to check, and finds that the ship they want isn't due to leave for [1d6=] four days yet.

[I also rolled a Startown Liberty encounter check (9+) 2D=12]

Ortance wanders through some of the starport bars, looking for inspiration. In one she espies a trio of offworlders wearing identical crew jackets, getting quietly pissed in a corner table. She takes a place at the bar, orders a pint (-cr5), and does her best to get them to notice her, but they are steadfastly ignoring her. She can't quite make out anything they're saying, but she at least notes the name of their ship emblazoned on their jackets: the Issaries.

[6+ to overhear a rumour: 2D=4, no

Q: Can she figure out what ship they're from? likely (3+): O3 C1 - yes, and...]

She finishes her pint and leaves the crew to their next round. She looks up the ship's name on a terminal and finds learns [per Solo's Available Starship Table, 2D=] it's a 400t Type-R Subsidised Merchant, and due to ship out in [1d6=] one day. The destination is also listed, but the name means nothing to her; it's not in this system, so that's all that matters. Ortance intends to immediately reconnoitre the docking bay. After she pops to the loo.

[Q: On a scale of 1-6, how well guarded is the ship? d6=1, not well at all.]

The docking bay is one of the cheaper surface berths. Ortance is thankful Amlaani packed her off with a respirator mask. With so many stevedores off at the festival, it's a trivial matter to exit the pressurised passenger loading terminal and wander across the restricted area and right onto the Issaries' landing pad. The two dockhands are paying more attention to the festive celebrity gravball match on a portable viewer than they are to the robots loading freight.

[Roll under DEX (DEX 9, so 8-) to sneak aboard: 2d=7, success]

Ortance sneaks right past them up the cargo bay ramp. She finds a maintenance hatch at the back behind a stack of standard cargo containers already in place, and uses her little toolkit to get it open and climb inside. Then she crawls through the ducts until she's out of sight completely, a looks for a particularly inviting looking bit of ductwork to bunk in. Then she prepares for some crushing boredom.

Ortance finds the thuds resounding through the ship as the robots load the cargo oddly reassuring, but it stops after six hours or so. She's too exhausted to sleep, and her mind won't stop turning over her predicament in excruciating detail. She lays awake and numb in the dusty vent until at last she feels the air pressure change and the ship's engines fire up.

[Since our heroine isn't choosy about destinations just yet, I hadn't rolled for it. The ship is only Jump-1, so there are but 3 possibilities; d3=Whanga.

I thought I should also roll for freight & passengers, in case anything came up on the voyage. The difference in Tech Levels between the two worlds (13 vs. 7) meant the ship was travelling light.

0 high passage
0 middle
1 low

50, 40, 10t major cargoes
25, 15t minor

+10t copper (for speculation) -- only 150t cargo (out of 200)

There were no malfunctions or important encounters on the way to the jump point, and there was no misjump.]

Ortance collapses into sleep for about four and a half hours as the freighter travels out to a safe jump distance. The prickly sensation as the jump field engulfs the ship wakes her from a nightmare, and she feels waves of nausea and exhilaration commingled as the ship passes into jumpspace.

She spends the next few days napping as much as she can to conserve energy. She eats a little to keep her stomach sated (the diet pills help immensely) and monitors her liquid intake. Now that she's well outside the reach of Uakye's planetary network signals, she finally feels safe in turning on her hand computer -- though she makes doubly sure it won't try to ping the ship's computer. She's got nothing but time on her hands -- it's the best possible opportunity to read one of those classic novels she's downloaded and has been putting off starting for ages, or maybe have another go at the anthology of Vilani Poetry of the First Imperium before she forgets all the Vilani she'd learnt at school.

And speaking of school, that was the last time she'd ever seen an hour tick by so slowly. The hand computer's clock -- still set to Uakye's civil 24-hour clock -- is constant reminder of how much longer this jump is going to take.

[I've never gotten a chance to use the stowaway rules before. I remembered they were there, but that's about it.

So, according to the book, the basic throw for a stowaway to be caught is 4+ per day. DMs are allowed for "various elaborate schemes", so :

-2 hidden in ductwork/maintenance crawlspace
-1 brought water & food & appetite suppressants
-2 won't need to sneak out to use the loo...

If she lasts more than 4 days without discovery, I'll roll for a shipboard event. Otherwise, the discovery counts as the event. A random event might impose more DMs depending on what happens.

day 1: 2D-5=1
day 2: 7-5=2
day 3: 5-5=0
day 4: 3-5=-2

She's been lucky so far! Ship event (Solo): The ship computer is acting oddly. Why? Is it malfunctioning? Has it been reprogrammed?

That's good for another -1 DM as the crew think any anomalous readings are probably the computer playing up.

day 5: 11-6=5... discovered anyway.]
The next few days pass in a haze of tedium and nerves as Ortance becomes settled into her routine -- until a sharp pain in her foot wakes her. A bright light is shining in her face, and she can just about make out the silhouette of a mop of curly hair and narrow shoulders behind it. She can also see the glint of the heavy spanner which was responsible for her sudden awakening, and its wavering tells her it might just like to strike again. And above the hum of the pipes and machinery she hears a dusky voice which is currently demanding to know just who the fuck she is.

"Oh, Er, um, hi. I'm Ortance."

"You going to follow me out, or are we going to have to turn off the oxygen on this deck?"

"Um, the former, please."

The woman turns and Ortance crawls after her. As they are moving noisily forward through the twisting, confined space, Ortance sees her activate a commo and mumble something into it. The only words she can make out are 'bloody stowaway'.

[Per the rulebook, a reaction roll needs to made be for the captain. The stowaway will be spaced on a result of 6 or less.]

They emerge from a hatch in the cargo bay. The lights have been turned up, and though the grey walls and low work lights in the grotty bay are anything but bright, Ortance's eyesight takes some time to adjust to the (relatively) dazzling brilliance. Five crew members in addition to her discoverer are surrounding her in a semi circle, and in her blind panic she fears to look any of them in the eye. But she sees with perfect clarity that two of them hold pistols, and a third has a small rifle slung on one shoulder [it's a carbine, but Ortance isn't the sort of person who would be aware of such distinctions].

"Well, this is unexpected," says an older man, probably the captain, with a trace of a Rhylanese accent. "Adpl, hal Ushsh, why don't the two of you lock the stowaway in one of the empty staterooms whilst I decide whether or not to throw her out the airlock."

"Why not do it now?" asks one of the women.

"Because," says the woman who found Ortance, "it might fuck up the jump field. The arrays have been misaligned ever since we added that poxy turret."

At a nod from the captain, the short woman with the pistol motions for Ortance to start walking, which she does without complaint. But as they are showing her into her cell, she finds she can't take the silence any more.

"Excuse me. May... may I ask a question?"

"What?" She isn't amused.

"How long do you think it will be until we exit jumpspace?"

"About 40 hours."

"Then would you mind, awfully, if I used the fresher? Only I'd rather not go to my death smelling like an open sewer."

next post... is going to be very short if I don't roll 7 or higher for the captain's reaction roll!

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

CT Solo - Part 2 : Run and hide

Threading her way through the jovial crowds, Ortance jumps when she feels a hand clamp firmly on her shoulder from behind. The police! But no, her momentary panic vanishes when she finds her assailant is a sequin-clad drunk from a roving hen do, who is offering her some sort of pungent red spirit to drink out of a pink plastic replica of an Imperial Marine's battle dress boot. She laughs and politely declines, and the woman totters off towards another unsuspecting bystander.

[The random encounter at the end of part 1 was rolled as--
d66=riotous mob, 4d6=9 members

Q: Any surprises when Ortance gets to the restaurant? unknown d6=4: O3 C1 - no, and... Amlaani is trustworthy]

The Zikisud in Bloom is a cavernous late-night eatery that caters to a less rowdy clientele than do most of the local bars. Ortance makes a circuit of the tables before finding Amlaani sitting in a cosy alcove along the far wall.
"Hi, hun. Oh, you look awful. Sorry-- I mean the 'disguise'. I'd barely recognise you. If I didn't know you so well, that is."

"Um, hi. You look amazing! I mean... blue hair really suits you."

"Ta. The new boss wants to appeal to a younger crowd, so I jumped at the chance."

Small talk continues until the waiter has taken their orders and been back with drinks. But Amlaani is visibly bursting with curiosity.

"So, what have you been up to? The news said you'd embezzled a lot of money from the Luenvire and had done a runner."

"The filth outside my flat block seemed a wee bit excessive for tracking down an embezzler. Why are you laughing?"

"Sorry, love. I never get tired of hearing Lady Regina Poshington use our proletarian slang."

They laugh about old times for a while when the food has come, then Amlaani abruptly suggests they head back to hers. "You can stay until things blow over. If you don't mind slumming that long."

[Amlaani's SOC is only (2D=) 5.

Q: Any problems getting to Amlaani's? unlikely (5+): O5 C2 - yes, and...]

Amlaani lives in one of the 'warrens', a labyrinth of wide, dull grey corridors with numbered doors to the lower working-class quarters. The monotony is occasionally broken up by an 'open' space with shops and the occasional leisure centre.

As Ortance and Amlaani turn into the passage leading to Amlaani's front door, they see a pair of uniformed police officers waiting outside it. [2D=Medium range ~25m]

"Shit!" says Ortance as they duck back around the corner. "They must already have gotten my commo records."

"Don't panic, love. Disappear for an hour or so. That rubbish vargr chippie is still open all night. If they're still here, ring me up tomorrow and we'll figure summat out."

Ortance nods and does as she is told. Amlaani goes off nonchalantly towards her flat. The officers stop her brusquely and demand to see identification before quizzing her about her recent contact with Ortance.

[The Reaction roll would determine how this encounter played out. Any Hostile result would mean they take her down to the station for questioning, and an 'attack' would mean they hold her at least overnight. Any other result will determine the throw required for her to get rid of them easily.

Reaction: 2D=6, unreceptive; So she needs a 6- for them to believe her story: 2D=5!]

"She said to call her so I called her. I said if she wasn't going to return my Red Muons reunion tour t-shirt she could fuck off. She told me she was in trouble. I was like, 'does that mean you aren't returning my shirt'. She said yes. I said to fuck off. I didn't see the news until later. So I guess it's good she didn't have it, because aiding and abetting a fugitive isn't really my style. Then again, it was a really ace concert, and I really miss that shirt. Hey, if you guys search her flat can I get it back?"

The officers give her a comm-code in case she has any further contact from the suspect and bid her a good night.

[Q: Any further issues getting there? unlikely (5+): O2 C2 - no, and...
+Event: PC positive - Assist / Attention =a false lead that night takes the heat off somewhat

Amlaani has to work for the next 1d6-1=0 days; she gets the 'weekend' off.]

When Ortance finally arrives, Amlaani ushers her into the lounge where a pair of drinks are already waiting on the table by the settee.

"So, the police...?"

"Don't worry, love, I got rid of them. They think I still hate you."

"Do you? I mean, after--"

"I did. Not any more, I don't think. Do you still hate me?"

"No, I-- Looking back, I do think it was more my fault than yours. Um, sorry, I guess."

"You don't have to say that so I'll let you stay, you know."

"I know. But thanks for taking me in. I promise I won't stay long. I've been thinking it over and I've come up with a plan."

"Do tell."

"I have to get offworld."

"That seems a little drastic."

"Not really. The police were here, which means they are using my commo records to track me. I daren't turn this on again in case they can track its current location. Nor can I use my hand computer on the planetary network. They'll probably be freezing my assets too."

"OK... but why offworld? Why not tell the authorities what you found out? Not the cops. Planetary security, maybe. Seems they'd take a dim view."

"Far too risky. I can't trust them not to be involved. Luenvire is a subsidiary of Sharurshid -- our director moves in some pretty high-up circles."

"So where will you go?"

"Regina, I guess."

"Running home to mummy and daddy?"

"Rather! It's the subsector capital. I can get this to someone in the MoJ or... or... I'm not sure exactly. I'll figure it out when I get there. First things first: I need to find a way into the starport."

"OK, how are you planning to do that?"

"Not sure. I can't even go outside without risking being caught."

"That's not so hard. You just need a new look, is all."

"Is that all?"

"It'll be easy! And fun, besides. First, let your hair down out of those braids. It totally changes the shape of your face. And we can dye it. This is finally my chance to get you to go pink. Or maybe not. That would attract too much attention. Maybe something dark. A nice dark brown."

"Ugh, anything but that. You do know that's my original colour?"

"We dated for five months, love. I had noticed."

[Q: Does Ortance quickly wear out her welcome? 50/50 (4+): O3 C3 - no, but...
+Event: Remote event - Extravagance / Extravagance]

Whatever tender feelings may have been rekindled, within a few days Ortance and Amlaani soon start to remember why it is they weren't a good match. Ortance stays on her best behaviour and does everything in her power to avoid antagonising Amlaani, who tries in turn to focus on playing dress-up with her captive model. Ortance has ample time whilst Amlaani is at work to plan her escape. There is a three-day planetary festival coming up, the kind of which locals all know the origin from their school days but can never quite explain to foreigners. But the near-shutdown of all but essential services and constant street parties should make it easier to get away.
Ortance's new look


The very early morning of Ortance's departure has arrived. Poor Amlaani is due to be at work early for a long day of overtime (there's a festival sale on), which she sorely needs after her unexpected house guest has stretched her budget this month. But she didn't want her to run off without a proper goodbye.

"You promised you weren't going to cry," says Ortance.

"I didn't think I would. You know, I was starting to hope that you'd stay for good this time."

next post: into space!

Thursday, 16 January 2025

CT solo - Part 1 : Working late

Uakye B439598–D Ni

Ortance promised herself she'd not be the last one in the office again this evening. Some of the Gamma Lab technicians were going out to the Zhodani's Head for a few pints and she'd been invited. But here she is, double-checking her sim reports so she can drop them off when she knows the section chief won't even look at them until after the weekend. Besides, she can hear voices coming from the admin cubicles down the corridor. So she isn't the last one here.

Oh, but she shall be if she stays to finish these figures. Right, time to knock off and have a go at being social for a change. She takes up the stack of the annotated hardcopy reports she'd finished and then heads over to the section chief's office to deliver them.

The desk lamp is on, as is his computer, but the section chief is nowhere to be seen. Ortance helps herself to a memo pad and dashes off a note to say the rest of the reports are to follow. But when she puts the reports on his chair, she can't help but peek at what he has up on his screens.

It seems to be notes on a clinical trial of whatever hush-hush project they're working on in Theta Lab. Water cooler rumours say it's some sort of chromosomal therapy agent, but looking at the graphs on the screen she's sure it can't be. Intrigued, she reads the note from the head researcher below the raw data: "Batch 92.003-z results disappointing. Euphoric effects and addictive properties both lower than last. Perhaps we can increase addictiveness if the peptides..."

She can't believe what she's seeing, or stop herself from looking further. It looks like they are purposefully developing a street drug to be highly addictive with a minimum of immediate side effects provided that a steady supply is maintained, but painful withdrawal symptoms should it be broken: chemical shackles for a productive slave class. And she recognises the names of a dealer or two in the local 'test market' delineations.

Ortance is sickened at the thought of her company engaging in such heinously immoral research, and she immediately resolves to report it to the authorities. There's a fresh datacrystal on the desk. She slots it into the dataport and begins copying files onto it, hiding behind the desk so no one sees her in here. If someone does come by, she'll pretend she dropped the hardcopies on the floor and is picking them up. Is that a voice in the corridor? Why is this taking so fucking long...

[As stated in the character creation post, the 3rd Life Event I rolled on the table in Solo made a good campaign start: Learnt something you shouldn't know; you fled for your own safety.

Sometimes getting a first adventure going requires a fair few Oracle questions as well, so here are the ones that I used to figure out the exact set-up described above--

Q: What does Ortance discover? Divide / Status quo (new drug to control workers)
Q: Any nearby portable storage? 50/50 (4+): O5 C2 - yes, and...
Q: Is anyone else about? 50/50 (4+): O4 C3 - yes, but... only 1d3=3 others still in the office

Rules for the campaign will be Classic Traveller. I'm just going to use simple character creation methods for all PCs/NPCs (i.e. Book 1 & Supplement 4, but not books 4-7). All the world data will be a combination of the published sources I have in hardcopy and my own extrapolations from the UWPs, so it might contradict later sources that I haven't seen; I'm more interested in keeping the game moving than researching canon.
My copy of The Traveller Book still has the original dustjacket, since the previous owner protected it with a plastic cover.
But it's very shiny and hard to photograph in a nice tableau.

I've been using Mythic & my MCSV for the oracle, but due to the hexcrawl-y nature of a lot of Traveller, I haven't been using scenes yet. This will probably change if I continue much longer and pick up Patron missions or the like. I'm using a lot of the random tables in Zozer's Solo (ship encounters, bad reactions, port/jump/world events, NPC relationships, etc.) as usual. I'm using UNE for NPC conversations.

Now, back to the adventure...

Ortance needs a Computer skill roll of 7+ to make a quick backup: 2d+1=8, success

Q: Does anyone happen by? unlikely (5+): O4 C4 - no, but...
+Event: Move toward a thread - Imprison / Fears]

The upload proceeds at a crawl. Ortance has seen faster glaciers on the annual school ski trip to Mt. Cratesicleia. 15 seconds... 20... 25... finally! [that's several terabytes of data transferring from a TL13 computer]

Ortance pockets the datacrystal and nips out of the chief's office, nearly running into Nirsiin, one of the receptionists [d6=f, d6=1 term], on her way to the kitchen with a handful of dirty dishes.

"Watch where you're going! Enri left half a cup of tiluu nectar on his desk and I don't want to drop it on the carpet or the smell will never go away."

[Ortance needs to roll SOC or less to keep it breezy (9-): 2D=10]

"Nectar? OK! Sorry, I really need to get home. For the weekend. For my plans. That I made."

Ortance doesn't wait for a response, but scurries off toward her office.

"Sure," mutters Nirsiin. "Fuck you very much, I guess."

"What was that?" calls Ortance over her shoulder.

"I said, 'have a great weekend!'" [reaction roll=6]

[Q: Does Ortance make it as far as the lift without further incident? 50/50 (4+): O5 C3 - yes, but...]

Throwing on her coat, Ortance walks speedily across the office. She glimpses Nirsiin talking to the chief by the kitchen, then hurries into the lift.

The security guard is on the commo as she is walking past the front desk. She quickens her pace as she steps out into the street.

The crowds are thinning out, as all sensible workers have already left Gahaskil business district to start their weekends. The street lights set in the level-D skyceiling have already dimmed to 'night' mode, which after 12 years Ortance still finds somewhat pointless, but then, she grew up on a planet (OK, a moon) where cities were mostly on the surface. So what does she know?

Right now, she knows that the security guard has followed her outside and is calling after her. Pretend not to hear. Head for the nearest group of people and try to get lost in the dwindling crowd.

[She needs to roll Streetwise 8+ to pull this off: 2D+1=10, OK]

The ambient hum of traffic, voices, and air recyclers makes it impossible to hear if she's being followed, but as she doesn't hear her name being shouted any more, she can assume she's lost them. She passes the maglev station, and vaguely follows the line overground for 800m to the next station before hopping the train back to her district.

[Q: Anyone obviously watching her flat? unknown d6=2; O6 C5 - yes
Q: Corporate security? 50/50 (4+): O3 C5 - no (=police)
Q: Are they uniformed? likely (3+): O6 C5 - yes

rolling encounter range : 2D=Very Long (probably too far for a residential street in an enclosed city, so dropping it to Long, ~60m]

Thanks to a good salary on top of corporate-subsidised housing, Ortance lives in one of the "undercity neighbourhoods". Tower blocks rise up almost to the artificial cavern's dome, where sunlights shine down to create the cycles of 'day' and 'night' in accordance with the 24-hour standard planetary clock. Between the residences are shops, parks, and recreation facilities. The truly wealthy live on the surface with ocean views out their windows, but Ortance has always been content with looking down on Gushdikaar park when it's lit up at night.

But the lights that catch her eye now belong to the police air/rafts outside the entrance to her building. She turns down a side street and keeps walking whilst considering her options. If the police are already onto her, it might mean they're going to start tracking her movements. They might even freeze her bank account. At least, that's what they do on all the crime shows she used to watch on Regina. And those were made all over the Marches.

She goes to the nearest shopping complex and withdraws cash up to daily limit: [1d6=] cr600. Then she goes to one of those discount clothing stores -- the kind from which she normally wouldn't deign to buy socks -- and purchases a casual, nondescript outfit off the rack (-cr50), including a floppy hat (fashionable back in 1103 -- ugh!) to hide her hair. She's kept it in the same blonde crown braid since she got her last employee identicard photo taken 4 years ago, mostly since it doesn't get messed up when she has to don a full protective suit to go into the clean room or the cryo-lab. She changes in a public toilet (again, ugh!) and walks the entire length of the shopping complex to where it opens into the next undercity neighbourhood over and looks for a somewhere to go where she can hide in a crowd. She tries to come up with a plan for survival whilst she walks.

"Right, I've go to know someone who will let me hide out at theirs whilst I think of a way out of this disaster..."

[I decided there should be three people from amongst her acquaintance that she might consider approaching for help. I rolled them on the Patron tables, but absurd results counted as mundane jobs instead. Then I rolled on the SOLO PC Relationship Table to see how they fit into Ortance's life

1) hijacker bar staff, human female
2) speculator, solomani female
3) rumour shop assistant, human female

1) loner
2) dependent on PC's support (but it's all an act)
3) broke up over differences]

"Hmmm," muses Ortance, "I could call Tirrins... but she hates people in her space, so probably wouldn't want me to stay over. Maybe Ianice... no, she'd make this all about her, somehow. and possibly try to sell me on one of her naff schemes. Or I could look up Amlaani... she's probably not still bitter..."

She doesn't think the police would be able to track the location of her personal commo if she uses it to call Amlaani -- not just yet, at any rate -- but just in case she makes the call from a public terminal.

[Q: Any luck? 50/50 (4+): O4 C3 - no, but... can only leave a message
Q: Does she call back? unknown d6=4: O6 C6 - yes. after 1d6-1=4 hours
+Event: PC negative - Communicate / The public]

Amlaani's comm must be set to private as it goes straight to her voicemail, so all she can do is mumble, "Hi. It's Ortance. Call me when you get this. Please."

She is sat in a gloomy dive bar nursing something bitter when her communicator finally goes off. It's Amlaani! she abandons her drink and goes out into the street to take the call -- the street noise is much quieter than the piped music.

[Reaction=10, responsive]

"Hiya, Ortance. Got your call. I was just thinking about you."


"Yeah. Saw your face on the news."

"Oh. Shit."

"I'm guessing you weren't just looking me up out of overwhelming nostalgia--"


"Or the burning desire to finally admit it was 70% your fault--"

"Amlaani, I--"

"Prolly not though. And this is more a face-to-face discussion than over the comm."


"Where are you?"

"Um, just walking around. Maybe we can meet somewhere. Fancy a late dinner? We could meet at that place that Ishidadiin had her 30th."

"You mean, the one where we first met? Are you sure this isn't just nostalgia."

Ortance sighs. "Sadly, no. But, hey, I can be there in about half an hour. 40 minutes tops."

"I'll get us a table."

[Q: Any issues getting there? unlikely (5+): O5 C3 - yes, but... =random encounter]

It's only two districts over, but Ortance doesn't dare take public transit, but instead walks through streets and lesser corridors and finally the last kilometre along the moving pavement.

The restaurant is in the theatre district, which is also the bar district once all the performances have let out, which they have by now -- it's already 00:30.

Threading her way through the jovial crowds, Ortance jumps when she feels a hand clamp firmly on her shoulder from behind. The police!

next post: dramatic entanglements!