Saturday, 1 March 2025

CT Solo - Part 7 : Off the ship

Ortance comes to in the dark in her stateroom, having been patched up. She feels quite woozy but the pain -- of which she is finally aware, now that the shock has worn off -- is dull and distant. She pulls on some clothing and totters out of her stateroom towards the bridge.

[been asleep 2d6=5 hours

Q: Any passengers in the lounge? 50/50 (4+): O5 C6 - yes
1d3=2; 2d5=1,2 both the hunter and the merc
reaction rolls: 8 & 6]

Major Ieske and the hunter are in the lounge when she passes through. "Job well done," says the hunter. The mercenary is just sullen and stares.

[Q: Who's on the bridge? 1d3=1 of the crew, d6=Gzo]

Only Gzo is on the bridge, diligently monitoring the security cameras. She looks up briefly when she hears the iris open, then looks back at the monitors as she speaks.

"You’re not supposed to be out of bed."

"Couldn't sleep."

"We dosed you with a lot of pain meds. How are you conscious at all?"

"Yeah. I guess I have a high tolerance still."


"Never mind. Where's, um, where is he?"

"Your assailant?"


"He's safely restrained in his stateroom."

"Oh. I wanna talk to him."

"I don't think..."

"I can handle it. I need to know."

"It's not that. Hal Ushsh, er, convinced him to make a confession to the Captain. I don't think he's going to be conscious for a few more hours."

"Where's the captain?"

"Later. Get back to bed."

Ortance is in no condition to object

. . .

When she awakens again, she sees the message light blinking on her display. 'When you get this, come to the bridge.'

She gets properly dressed this time, cleans her teeth (ick - how long has she slept?), and heads to the bridge, where Captain Rov is waiting there, absently monitoring the instruments. She stands helplessly by the entrance, waiting. He finally swivels in his chair to face her.

[Q: How much information did they get from Fadmer? 1 none, 2-3 the broad strokes, 4-5 fairly specific, 6 enough to scare them into handing Ortance over: d6=4

Reaction roll=9]

"Quite a world of shit you've dragged us into," he says. [knowing - speech - enemy]

"I'm, uh, sorry. I didn't mean to involve anyone else. I was just trying to get away."

"We should have thrown you out the airlock before we hit Whanga."


"Oh, come on, I'm joking. It's not the sort of thing that's good for morale on a ship, believe me. And you're part of the crew now, so there's a certain amount of looking-after that comes with it."

"Um, thanks."

"Sit down, Staalazingen, before you fall down. We need to know if you're holding anything back."

"Yes. Of course. From the top, then: I stole evidence of illegal research from Luenvire BioMed, where I used to work on Uakye. I'm taking it to Regina to hand over to the MoJ."

"That's... well, that's commendable."

"If you knew what they were planning... you'd understand."

"I'm not sure I want to know. So, you boarded the first ship heading Rimward?"

"No, just the first ship, full stop. They were after me, and either the police were in on it or the corp had convinced them I was a dangerous criminal. I just had to get away."

"So, no master plan?"

"Simply dumb luck and hope."

"Hm. We can try to help. Throw your pursuers off the scent somehow. We're kicking Fadmer off the ship at Forboldn. I don't think we can get much help from the authorities there, so we'll just have to let him go. We'll be kicking you off the ship, too. Publicly, at any rate. We'll find a way to double back and pick you up, but I want the mark on our ship lifted -- for all our sakes."

"Understood. And thanks."

"As I said, you're one of us now. Just as long as you understand this works both ways."

"Aye aye, captain!"

"Lluyd's always saying that. Is it a Solomani thing?"

[Q: Any problems before they hit Forboldn? unlikely (5+): O4 C3 - no, but... crew and passengers tense.
Q: O get any visitors? unlikely (5+): O6 C7 - yes
Q: Who? (1d6) 1-4 crew, 5-6 passenger: crew, d6=Gzo]

Forboldn D893614-4 Ni

Ortance spends the rest of the jump in her quarters, having been officially relieved of duties by order of hal Ushsh. About an hour after the ship returns to normal space, Gzo stops by to see her.

"How are you? Fit for duty yet?"

"Um, I don't know. I guess."

"You're not winning any awards for your work here, you know? Sneak on the ship, hired on because the captain is soft, bringing a hired killer aboard and keep things to yourself, and now you're 'just too traumatised to work'." [prejudiced - assessment - campaign]

"I never--"

"That was our esteemed medic's opinion. But you want to know mine? leave. We're sending you ashore at Forboldn for some attempt at throwing the pursuit off our tails. Just walk away. Get a berth on another ship and go wherever you want, but don't come back here. If you've any decency, you'll see it's the right thing to do. And if you don't... I just hope you don't get us all killed."

[no ship encounters]

After six more hours the Issaries touches down at the starport, which is only marginally better than the one on Knorbes. Or Whanga. And this is mostly down to the massive amount of warehouses and a miserable little transit centre that looks like a maglev station food court -- only with more sheet metal.

[Remote Event from earlier -- Delay / Illness: there was a plague outbreak onworld, but it's seemingly contained now (check for illness amongst new passengers, etc.).

Q: Do they hear of the plague on-world? unlikely (5+): O2 C4 - no, but... will after 1d6 days in port]

Crew salaries are due. Ortance is getting her 1st month pro rata (20 days, so 2/3) AND garnished 75%. She gets cr500, and her debt to the ship is reduced to cr8500.

The passengers are disembarked. Ortance is given her money, the confiscated pistol, a filter mask, and the long range communicator. Stantil tries to re-assure her, telling her it's already tuned to the Issaries' private frequency.

She mopes off into the centre to find a way into the settlement proper. It's scarcely less primitive than Knorbes, but the ubiquitous construction machinery looks all to be of offworld manufacture. According to the Library Data, the first colonists only arrived in 1089 -- when Ortance was 18. She's going to have to be on her own here in these conditions for a few days -- hopefully not any longer. Suddenly she feels homesick for Uakye. Or Regina.

[Random encounter getting out of starport: Police patrol
2D=6 cops with pistols - 2 have SMGs as well
Reaction=4, hostile attack on 8+: 6]

There's some sort of incident taking place inside the terminal, but she can't immediately tell what it is. A group of armed 'police' (corporate thugs, essentially, as Govt Type=1) usher her rudely away. [9+ to find out what's going on, DM +1 for high INT, +streetwise: 2D+2=5, no idea]

She doesn't want any part of it. Fortunately there are transport links on the other side. Ortance pays for a ticket and gets the light rail (steam powered!) into town.

[Q: Is Fadmer about? unlikely (5+): O5 C2 - yes, and...
surprise rolls: 3,4 they both notice the other]

She's been on the lookout for Fadmer ever since her boot made its first impression in Forboldn's dusty soil. She was relieved not to see him anywhere at the terminal. She only catches a glimpse of him as her train is pulling away from the platform -- and he's on it!

She sits with her back to him and feigns ignorance. At the first stop, somewhere sparse and industrial-looking, she attempts to dash off the train just as the doors are starting to close.

[roll under DEX (8-): 2D=7, ok]

She springs out onto the platform just in time. Fadmer stares at her out the window in surprise, and Ortance can't resist showing him two fingers as the train chugs inexorably away.

But where the hell is she? Is this what answers to startown?

[For killing time on Forboldn, I ran her through a sequence of Travelling Alone.

When she gets to Options, it will be time to radio the ship.

>Upkeep cr360 as she's skint (SOC effectively 6)
>Buy equipment - a changes of clothes, cr25
>idem (-cr25 more)
>Sell Equipment
>Event: Legal encounter, throw Law Level+ to avoid
allowing DM+streetwise 2D+1=10, avoided

Putting all that into a bit of narrative--]

Forboldn is a particularly grim little world, and the port area grimmer still. Fortunately, Ortance once picked up a taste for slumming, which is useful when one's options are limited. She finds a dingy little residence hotel to stay in, utterly lacking in charm, and buys only as much food as she can cook in the room. She does splash out cr50 for two new outfits, local clothing styles to fit in better, and cheap as you like. She finds an inordinate number of pawn shops in the neighbourhood between the bars and gambling halls and is similarly taken aback at the large number of police on such a low Law Level world. Luckily she knows how to avoid them.

Four days later Ortance has grown immensely weary of the local entertainment options. Thank fuck it's almost time to call the ship.

next post: rendez-vous!

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