Chaos: Average (d10)
Setup: looking for Argyros (again)
NPC List: {Friend}, {Enemy}, Serafina, Basil (patron), Argyros (target), assassins
Threads: short-term goal, long term-goal, cash flow problems, steal Argyros' research
The next day, Theophania returns to the maglev station much nearer to the time Argyros leaves work. Catching a train from the same platform two days running is the opposite of suspicious, so she has an easy time blending in to the flood of workers. [Int/Sneak 6+ to avoid suspicions: 11, fine]
[Wis/Notice 6+ to find Argyros: 9, ok
Wis/Sneak resisted check: T 2d6+1=8, A 2d6+0=7]
She soon spots Argyros on the platform and follows him onto the train. He takes no notice of her, but then, why should he? She's dressed like a cubicle drone and has her face buried in a datapad the same as everyone else. And being from offworld is scarcely cause for comment on a planet such as Inah; Theophania's not even the only nightworlder on the train.
[Q: Is Argyros going home? Likely (3+): O3 C10 - yes
Wis/Sneak resisted check to tail him: T 2d6+1=9, A 2d6+0=3]
Argyros remains oblivious as the train arrives at his home station and Theophania follows him off.
[Q: Does he live in an urban area? 50/50 (4+): O3 C4 - no, but... 'suburb'
Q: Is it a secure community? Likely (3+): O1 C9 - no]
The maglev station is in the exact centre of Suburb Dome 356. Beyond the central plaza with its shops, restaurants, and recreation complexes, six main avenues stretch out in a roughly hexagonal pattern. The houses all stand apart, being smaller domes underneath the single large one. Smaller groupings of houses are arrayed in their own hex shapes on different levels, as the original hills beneath the dome were incorporated into the design. Theophania marvels at the Inahian propensity for constructing their domed cities to mimic settlements on worlds with breathable atmospheres.
Theophania keeps following at an ever widening distance until Argyros reaches his house. She pauses as he lets himself in, then walks slowly by. She pretends to take a call on her datapad right as she is passing it, giving her an excuse to stop and get a decent look at Argyros' dwelling.
[Q: Do the homes have windows? 50/50 (4+): O5 C10 - yes
Q: Does Argyros live alone? unlikely (5+): O5 C1 - yes, and... obviously so]
Even the briefest glance into his kitchen confirms he lives alone. All the classic bachelor pad signs are visible: piles of empty takeaway containers, overflowing recycling bin, dirty dishes filling the sink, a neon sign bearing the logo of a naff local beer.
Theophania has seen everything she needed. But just in case she herself is being observed, she finishes the call as she'd rehearsed it. "Well, I'm almost there... no, I understand... family comes first... yeah, tomorrow then. Good luck."
She goes back to the station and then home to Serafina, who'd promised to cook for once so they don't burn though the whole of the cr500 advance. She'd already siphoned off half of it to pay her dealer. She did promise she'd cut down... but not this week.
Scene 5
Chaos: Average (d10)
Setup: d10=Interrupt (was: go back during day)
Interrupt: Move toward a thread - short term goals - Inform / Goals
NPC List: {Friend}, {Enemy}, Serafina, Basil (patron), Argyros (target), assassins
Threads: short-term goal, long term-goal, cash flow problems, steal Argyros' research
Theophania is on her way out, when she notices a [d6=] woman in an expensive, well-worn overcoat following her in the street. Theophania slows down to see if she's being tailed or approached, giving her time to once again marvel at the planet-wide pantomime of living out-of-doors, in which she as an obvious offworlder has never had to partake; the climate controls too warm here to make it comfortable. Thus it is almost surprising to hear the woman address her with a markedly Clytiean accent, and doubly so given the overwhelming local prejudice against people from that system [from the SWN Hatred world tag].
"We know what you're doing for Basil Paredes. We'd like you to consider working for us instead."
"You being...?"
"A third party. We can offer twice what he's paying you, and passage offworld."
"Outertech would be a powerful enemy if I crossed them."
"Do you really rate Basil so highly?"
"It's his blundering about that scares me... but how do I contact you? Should I decide to accept your proposition, that is."
"Give me your datapad. I'll put in my number."
When Theophania looks at it afterward, she finds her new acquaintance has input her name as simply 'Olafemi'.
![]() |
'Olafemi' |
Scene 6
Chaos: Average (d10)
Setup: d10=another Interrupt (was still: go back during day)
Interrupt: NPC positive - assassins - Adjourn / Success
[Argyros is killed -- but Theophania will not find out just yet.]
Scene 7
Chaos: Average (d10)
Setup: go back during day
NPC List: {Friend}, {Enemy}, Serafina, Basil (patron), Argyros (target), assassins, "Olafemi"
Threads: short-term goal, long term-goal, cash flow problems, steal Argyros' research
Theophania takes a roundabout journey to Suburb Dome 356, though she's mostly sure her potential new patrons aren't foolish or amateurish enough to follow her. She arrives only 40 minutes later than she'd intended; there's still plenty of time before the 'afternoon' commuters start coming home from work.
[6+ Wis/Notice to see if any witnesses present 2d6+1=4...]
She stops before Argyros' house, looks about, and is convinced there is no one else on the whole of the street. She walks up to his kitchen window, peers inside, then focusses all the powers of her mind, imagining herself within. She fades like a cloud of breath on a cold morning, and then is standing on the other side of the glass, having slipped sideways through the fabric of spacetime.
[She can Teleport up to 10m at the cost of a point of Effort. And now that she's done it (following an abysmal Notice roll) I need to ask the Oracle--
Q: Was anyone about to notice? 50/50 (4+): O1 C9 - no (lucky her!)
Q: Is the house empty? unknown d6=1: O2 C1 - yes, and...
Wis/Notice 10+ to find anything important: 2d6+1=13
Q: Is it the needed research that she finds? Likely (3+): O4 C10 - yes]
Argyros' kitchen smells of stale beer and decomposing leftovers. The rest of his dwelling has a pervasive odour of sweaty socks. Argyros is too recently successful to have thought about getting a cleaning service in once a week, but it does make Theophania's job of turning over his house much easier; anything important is likely to be under the smallest amount of detritus.
She finds the room he uses as an office, and the desk he uses to store empty crisp packets and cultivate mould in coffee mugs. One of its bottom drawers opens all the way, the other being blocked by dusty sporting equipment. The drawer is half-filled with a few useless gadgets, but beneath it all she finds the false bottom she was hoping for. Inside is a datapad which she pockets before replacing the bottom and the drawer's contents.
She looks out a back window, and teleports into the empty avenue. She takes a different route back home.
[Q: Is/was anyone following her? 50/50 (4+): O1 C6 - no]
Scene 8
Chaos: Average (d10)
Setup: talking with Serafina
d10=Altered: ADD A CHARACTER
NPC List: {Friend}, {Enemy}, Serafina, Basil (patron), assassins, "Olafemi"
Threads: short-term goal, long term-goal, cash flow problems, steal Argyros' research
Theophania makes a few stops in the market on the way back to the flat. When she gets in, she stashes the datapad and starts cooking something nice. She is shocked when Serafina gets home from work -- with Basil in tow.
"The hell...? When I said I was cooking dinner, I meant just for us. You didn't mention this was going to be a working meal."
"After what happened," begins Serafina unsteadily, "I mean..."
"What happened?"
"You haven't heard?" asks Basil without his customary leer.
"Heard what?"
"Argyros is dead. He was [Wildly / Lethal] shot dead in the street on his lunch hour."
"Huh. I guess we're done, then."
"Done? You can't give up now!"
"How am I supposed to get his research without him? Saunter into his lab at Outertech headquarters?"
[8+ Cha/Talk to get rid of him: 2d6+1=13!]
Basil is unable to see any way forward following Argyros' murder, and Theophania offers no solutions of her own, having already made up her mind to accept Olafemi's better offer. She reaches out with her psi powers to gauge his true emotions...
[Q: Is he resigned to the failure? 50/50 (4+): O6 C5 - yes]
...and finds nothing but resignation. He soon takes his leave.
[Q: Is dinner ruined? 50/50 (4+): O2 C5 - no]
The mood doesn't lighten much when Basil goes, but Serafina puts on a brave face and tries to appreciate the effort that Theophania went through to cook all her favourite dishes. It was a brave effort for one who has only the most superficial understanding of Inahian cuisine, and cannot be adjudged a real success. But it is a charming failure nonetheless.
[Reaction roll: 2d6 + 1(Charisma bonus) = 11, Serafina is understanding]
After dinner they go to the bedroom, but sit on the edge of the bed in silence for a while. Serafina knows the words Theophania is going to say even before they are spoken.
"I have to leave soon. This went badly -- is going badly. There may be reprisals, and I don't want them falling on you."
"You always said you weren't intending to stay on Inah long."
"I'd intended to be at least to Parra by now. If we hadn't..."
"Don't make this harder than it needs to be."
"I won't. I'll still be here in the morning, you know."
"But any day now..."
"Any day..."
[Things are a little difficult, so Chaos increases]
Scene 9
Chaos: Out-of-control (d8)
Setup: d8=Interrupt (was: calls Olafemi)
Interrupt: NPC action - Olafemi - Ambush / A path
NPC List: {Friend}, {Enemy}, Serafina, Basil (patron), assassins, "Olafemi"
Threads: short-term goal, long term-goal, cash flow problems, Argyros' research
Two days later, Theophania is headed down the shops when Olafemi appears out of the crowd.
"I'm not the kind of girl who turns down a hot beverage on offer, so lead the way."
Olafemi buys them both a drink and pastry (or what passes for pastry on Inah) which they take to a bench in the red grass park.
"I have a new proposition for you, if you're interested."
Theophania swallows her mouthful of sugary dough with some difficulty before responding. "I need to get offworld."
"The job is offworld."
"So that was why you offered..."
"Naturally. But since the business with Argyros was cut short--"
"Not quite."
"Oh? You still have a lead?"
"I have his secret datapad. I was going to call you in a couple days when things settled. Plus I wasn't quite ready to leave yet."
"I see. This this excellent news. When can you be ready to go, then? Assuming you'll take the job."
"I don't know yet. What is it?"
"Just a courier assignment." [d8=Guard an object being transported]
"Sounds simple enough. What's the catch?"
"Our rivals will try to intercept it -- the usual."
"What's my fee?"
"1000 credits, plus the passage to the job, and then a nearby system. Parra perhaps, or--"
"Parra's fine."
"So you accept?"
"Yeah, sure, why not?"
"Good. How soon can you leave?"
"Give me 48hours. I'll hand over the datapad at the starport."
"I'll bring your payment for it then. I believe I'd offered 5000 credits. How do you want it?"
"1000 in something I can spend on Parra. Cash is fine. The balance I'd prefer to put in someone else's account. Here, on Inah."
"Of course. Transmit me the details, and I'll send you details of your passage."
Scene 10
Chaos: Out-of-control (d8)
Setup: last day with Serafina
NPC List: {Friend}, {Enemy}, Serafina, Basil (patron), assassins, "Olafemi"
Threads: short-term goal, long term-goal, cash flow problems, Argyros' research
[Q: how does it go? Bravely / Soft]
The last day with Serafina is sweet and occasionally tearful, but they've both decided to enjoy what time they have left together and pretend that they won't be in separate star systems a week from now. Serafina takes the day off so they can re-visit all their favourite haunts, finally ending up in the nightclub where they met.
"You know," observes Serafina as the DJs are changing shifts, "this makes five weeks to the day that I first saw you on that dance floor."
Theophania checks her chronometer. "It's almost five weeks to the hour that you took me home."
"How forward of me! I guess I didn't feel much like dancing that night."
"I'm not sure I do now."
"Ooooh... I'll get my coat!"
. . . . .
Theophania is fighting off another wave of sadness as the maglev arrives at the starport terminus. She's pretty sure lack of sleep is not helping with the rush of raw emotion.
[Q: Does she get to the starport without incident? Likely (3+): O3 C7 - yes
Q: How big is the item she must escort? (1d4): 1 tiny, 2 small, 3 medium 4 huge: 3=medium]
Olafemi meets her in a bar near the shuttle platform. She's sat at a table near the back, next to an oversized suitcase.
"You like you could do with a drink."
"How perspicacious."
She goes to the bar to fetch one whilst Theophania slumps in the other side of the booth.
"Your package is in the suitcase," says Olafemi upon her return. "It's wrapped up like a present, ostensibly from the recipient's sister. She didn't tell you what it is so no one can ruin the surprise. Needless to say the real parcel can't be opened. Your recipient will know the codes for the lock. Sorry it's so heavy, but we needed to shield it from scanners. There's a datapad with the information you'll need in the case, along with your 2000 credits -- in Parran currency."
"Speaking of presents," says Theophania, producing a small gift-wrapped box from her coat pocket, "here's a little something from me."
"I transmitted the rest of your payment into Ms. Adeyeku's account when I saw you come in."
"Ta. It makes my life so much easier when everyone trusts one another."
"Indeed. If you're ever through this way again, I'd love to do more business with you. I've messaged my associates on Parra to look out for you, too, should you find yourself in need of employment there."
Within the hour Theophania is on a shuttle speeding away from Inah.
next post: conversion notes for M-Space. But then... space adventure!
Nice short little adventure. My last "short" adventure ended up taking 18 months to complete and produced 14 chapters of story!
ReplyDeleteLuckily my short adventures seldom take half that long!