The figure keeps coming. "Don't shoot, it's just a--" begins Theophania, but her words are cut short by a fusillade of blaster fire from her three companions.
A bolt hits the figure dead in the chest, sending up a shower of sparks. It falls back with a sharp clatter of plastic limbs.
"...just a maintenance bot in a jumpsuit," repeats Theophania. "The gun's lashed to its arm with wire."
[Everyone needed a Hard (-20) Perception roll; the other three failed. The bot took 11-2(casing counts as light armour)=9 damage to the chest from the carbine, which deactivated it.
Q: Anything attracted by the noise? 50/50: O5 C1 - yes
Q: What? Frighteningly / Mundane
Reaction: 2d6=12!]
Just then doors open to either side, and [2d3=] four station personnel emerge with firearms trained on the group. They look almost as shocked as the people they've just ambushed, and moments later lower their guns.
"Oh my god, we almost killed you!" exclaims their leader, a woman in a bloodied business suit. [UNE:insane - idiocy - current scene] "We thought you were..."
[Q: Who are the enemy? (1d8): 1 aliens, 2 escaped experiment, 3 killer robots, 4 rival corp, 5 freebooters, 6 pirates, 7 hostile foreign power, 8 "them"; d8=4]
"...more New Dawn troops."
"They did this?" asks Theophania. "Why?"
"I suggest you come clean if you want our help to make a difference." [Easy (+20) Influence (63%) : 26, success]
"Yes, fine. but if I may inquire first, just who are you? And what are you doing here?"
"We're passengers and crew of the Petunia, a bulk freighter. I think they had some cargo for you--
"We do," interjects Miho.
"--and I had a special consignment for..."
[Q: one of these 4? doubtful (6): O2 C7 - no]
"...a Sofia Kikuchi, whom I gather is one of the researchers here."
[Q: How do they take the news? Enormously / Soft - pretty accepting
Q: Any reaction to the name? 50/50: O6 C1 - yes, and... Swiftly / Defeated]
"That's... well that's good," says the businesswoman.
"But... Sofia's been killed."
"Shit. Who's her boss then? Actually, let's leave that to one side for now. What's the situation here?"
[Q: How bad on a scale of 1-10? 8
Willpower 61% to keep it together: 54, ok]
"Let's get out of the corridor first. It's not safe."
![]() |
Left to right: Melissa, Petros, Stipan, Damiana |
Background: Aspiring bourgeoisie or upper class
Role: Idea worker, programmer, writer
Petros Lei (m, 26)
Background: The elite of this society
Role: Military, soldier, enforcer, law officer
Stipan Espejo (m, 41)*
Culture: Orbital / lunar base
Career: Scientist
Damiana Manabat (f, 35)*
Culture: Urban/ capital city
Career: Official
* Stipan & Damiana were extra characters I rolled up. They have full character sheets, which are appended to the end of this post.
[1d4=Damiana is in charge
random corporation (SWN)--
Name: New Dawn Zaibatsu
Business: Exploration, Heavy Weapons
Reputation & Rumours: The company's owner is dangerously insane]
Once they have been led into a nearby office and the door wedged closed, the businesswoman, Section V Manager Damiana Manabat (who has introduced herself in so many words), introduces her companions. Stipan is a researcher in the biochem lab, Melissa is a computer tech, and Petros is in station security.
After Theophania introduces her side, Damiana begins her promised explanation.
"I'm not going to lie, we're in a lot of trouble. [d6+2=] Five days ago there was a hull impact alert. At first we thought it was a meteoroid or some sort of debris. We initiated lockdown procedures and the techs scrambled. But we quickly found out it was breaching pods -- New Dawn commandos. A lot of the techs got killed before we knew what was going on. We managed to hold out for a few days, got our own security to fight back, but.... they were no match. Those of us who are left have been in hiding ever since. We tried reprogramming some of the maintenance bots to fight, but they're only good as diversions. They cut the main power three days ago, when they realised we weren't going to give up, but I think it's hindering them more than us."
"What about the quarantine breach?" asks Theophania.
"A breach?"
"We passed an infirmary. The computer was flashing an alert."
"Oh, shit."
[Damiana's Willpower 61% vs Loyalty-Corporation 62%: 22 vs 31 - she won't reveal details]
"We should, uh, stay well clear of the lab. And maybe see if we can get to a working terminal and activate scrubbing protocols."
"How many survivors are there?"
"I'm not sure. Comms are jammed. I'm sure it's not just us. I mean, I hope..."
"The New Dawn troops are still here?"
"We've heard sporadic blaster fire."
"We have a ship," offers Miho. "We need fuel, but we've got to be able to scrape together enough provisions for the survivors, or it'll be a miserable voyage. If we can get anyone out, that is."
[D's Willpower vs Loyalty again: 61 vs 33.]
"It'll be challenging. This is a big station and we don't know who's left or how many enemies we're facing. And we should try to scupper it before we leave, if we can get to the reactor."
"I hate to ask," says Theophania, "but can we use the quarantine breach against the New Dawn troops?"
"That's... not something I think we should do."
"We should get the fuel before we set off the reactor. I'm not in the mood for any grand gestures."
"I wouldn't expect you to be."
"So how do we get the fuel?"
[Since the station crew know the layout, I'm switching to the LC Small Locations column. 'Complete' is now the fuel store.]
T8 : Known - expected - special
Special: EXIT HERE
Damiana leads the combined band out into the corridor and past the crude barricade. There is less damage than in the outer corridors, but they still must squeeze past a bit or wrecked machinery fallen from one of the ceilings. Immediately afterwards they come to an escape pod bay.
"We can use these to get out in an emergency," says Damiana, "They'll go down to the planet... hopefully the freighter can pick us up."
"There's a few missing," notes Melissa.
"Damn cowards, no loyalty whatsoever!"
T9 : expected - expected - expected
They move as quickly as they dare down more long, dark corridors...
T10 : random - expected - none
Location: Meaningful, Clean
...until Melissa tells Damiana to stop by a door emblazoned with 'Lab 021' in red block letters. "We can cut through here to save time. There's a clean room on both ends of the lab."
"What about the quarantine?" asks Theophania.
"This isn't a biolab; the clean room is to keep contaminants out, not in."
"We'll need to force the door open," says Petros. "Someone help me push."
T11 : expected - expected - none
T12 : expected - expected - none
T13 : known - expected - expected
Once through the dark lab, which seems still untouched by the violence evident in the rest of the station, they once again advance through a series of winding corridors...
T14 : complete - none - random
Object: Helpful, Expected
...and finally arrive at the fuel store.
Everyone works together to shift as many of the 100kg tritium fuel cylinders (most of the weight being lead shielding) onto the three low to the ground anti-grav trolleys.
[From now on, I'm only rolling for encounters in each area until they get back to the broken machinery, which they'll need to go a different way round (Another Small Location to get back to the ship). The turns will be numbered only if something happens.]
T15 (T11 corridor)
Encounter: Familiar, Familiar
Then they begin retracing their steps back towards ship. [1d6=]Two more of the station crew come out of hiding as they pass, and Damiana tells them to follow.
T16 (T9 corridor)
Encounter: Watery, Combative (raw recruits)
She leads them back through the laboratory clean rooms (requiring more effort to push the doors open wide enough to get the trolleys through) and down through another dark corridor. She stops short as a pair of New Dawn troops in combat armour appear from a junction. One of them yelps in surprise as they fumble for their blaster rifles.
[New Dawn Zaibatsu troops : 2d3=2 raw recruits. I once made an old excel file for random Legend/RQ6 encounters, so I used that to roll 2 novice soldiers.]
#1 #2
--- ---
STR 13 11
CON 9 8
SIZ 13 13
INT 9 12
POW 11 8
DEX 8 7
CHA 10 3
DM +1D2 +0
INI +9 +10
Blaster 38% 34%
Brawn 26% 24%
Pcn. 39% 30%
Wpr. 28% 18%
End. 43% 31%
Stealth 22% 31%
blaster rifle (2d6 dmg)
light armour (10AP, -10% physical skills)
[The first round everyone counts as surprised (-10% to skills) as soldiers round corridor.
Initiative rolls (INI+1d6) were grouped really tightly:
21 Theophania & Cloelia
19 Damiana, Stipan, Soldier #1
18 Soldier #2
No one else mattered for the first round as there were too many people in the way.]
Theophania and Cloelia duck for cover behind their trolley the moment they spot the hostile soldiers. Damiana and Stipan feel suddenly very exposed, being in the lead of the little train. Damiana fires a wild burst from her submachinegun as she dashes back to hide behind Theophania. the bullets mostly pepper the ceiling, sending up little sparks where they hit the metal grating. Stipan squeezes off a shot from his blaster but it just flashes down the corridor. He runs for cover as well. The soldiers return fire. Their blaster bolts merely thud off the fuel cylinders; nothing short of a field gun could penetrate the layers of solid radiation shielding.
[Damiana's penalties for movement & surprise meant she could only hits on a roll of 01-05. Stipan had a whole 7% chance to hit this round. The soldiers had 28% & 24%. The cylinders have 20AP, so practically immune to small arms except on a critical hit (and when specifically targeted).
Everyone gets 2 actions per round. T&C chose to duck (~Evade) and draw weapons (omitted from the narrative for brevity's sake). D&S each got to fire & move. The soldiers are standing still, so get two attacks -- but only #1 gets his attack off before everyone is under cover (acting simultaneously with D&S on Initiative 19).]
Damiana reaches cover unscathed, but a blaster bolt catches Stipan in the upper arm just as he is ducking behind Cloelia. He winces in pain and falls to his knees, dropping the blaster and catching himself with left hand.
[He took 2d6=5 damage to his right arm; He only has 4hp in that location, so this counts as a Serious wound. He needs to succeed in an Endurance roll vs the Attack roll, or the limb is useless until he receives first aid: failed roll, limb useless. He also loses the next 1d3=2 actions. The soldier gets a Special Effect for his successful attack, and chooses Duck Back.]
One of the soldiers ducks back into the junction to take cover behind the wall...
[Round 2] Joerg [initiative 22] raises his carbine and takes careful aim at the other from his position at the back of the line of trolleys with his comrades huddled against them. Theophania hazards a few shots over her trolley, but to no effect [miss].
The soldiers blast away at Joerg, but their shots streak past him. [First actions done.]
Then one of Theophania's bolts strikes true, catching the soldier right in the abdomen -- leaving a meagre scorch mark on the their combat armour. She ducks back behind the trolley with a muttered oath [she'd need a Critical on the attack roll (instead of just a normal success) to choose Bypass Armour, so opts for the Duck Back effect].
[Round 3]
Joerg shoots the soldier still standing in the middle of the corridor, but his shot streaks harmlessly past [missed despite aiming bonus]. Theophania shots for everyone to fall back.
They are eager to comply, but crawling backwards and dragging the trolleys makes it a slow, awkward retreat.
The soldiers keep firing. A lucky bolt catches Joerg right between the eyes, and he crumples to the floor. [Critical attack roll. The soldier gets 2 special effects: Choose Location, and Maximise Damage (only for one die): 1d6+6=10 damage, a Major Wound. Joerg needed to roll his Endurance vs the attack roll or die; he didn't roll a critical success, so...]
Miho grabs Joerg's carbine and kicks his body out of the way.
The soldiers keep firing at a downward angle, trying to hit what little is exposed over the tops of the cannister-laden trolleys...
[Round 4]
...but their bolts pound ineffectually against the heavy cylinders... [miss,miss,miss...]
[Q: Does all the noise attract attention? 50/50: O6 C6 - yes
+Event: Introduce a new NPC - Transform / Expectations
Q: Attention from whom? (1d10) 1-4 station crew, 5-8 New Dawn soldiers, 9-0 freighter crew: 1d10=6]
...until a nearby unit of New Dawn troops, attracted by the din of blaster fire, appear in the path of the retreat and demand surrender.
[Damiana must overcome her Loyal to Corporation (62%) passion with an easy Willpower (61+20=81%) roll in order to be sensible: 34 vs 07 (crit), she is. No one else is as fanatic as she, so they don't need a roll.]
Everyone lays down their arms and puts up their hands -- even Damiana, though Theophania had half been expecting her to go out in a blaze of glory. The squad leader confers with someone over a communicator for a few moments, then marches the prisoners away to their fate.
next post: captured!
light armour (10AP, -10% physical skills)
[The first round everyone counts as surprised (-10% to skills) as soldiers round corridor.
Initiative rolls (INI+1d6) were grouped really tightly:
21 Theophania & Cloelia
19 Damiana, Stipan, Soldier #1
18 Soldier #2
No one else mattered for the first round as there were too many people in the way.]
Theophania and Cloelia duck for cover behind their trolley the moment they spot the hostile soldiers. Damiana and Stipan feel suddenly very exposed, being in the lead of the little train. Damiana fires a wild burst from her submachinegun as she dashes back to hide behind Theophania. the bullets mostly pepper the ceiling, sending up little sparks where they hit the metal grating. Stipan squeezes off a shot from his blaster but it just flashes down the corridor. He runs for cover as well. The soldiers return fire. Their blaster bolts merely thud off the fuel cylinders; nothing short of a field gun could penetrate the layers of solid radiation shielding.
[Damiana's penalties for movement & surprise meant she could only hits on a roll of 01-05. Stipan had a whole 7% chance to hit this round. The soldiers had 28% & 24%. The cylinders have 20AP, so practically immune to small arms except on a critical hit (and when specifically targeted).
Everyone gets 2 actions per round. T&C chose to duck (~Evade) and draw weapons (omitted from the narrative for brevity's sake). D&S each got to fire & move. The soldiers are standing still, so get two attacks -- but only #1 gets his attack off before everyone is under cover (acting simultaneously with D&S on Initiative 19).]
Damiana reaches cover unscathed, but a blaster bolt catches Stipan in the upper arm just as he is ducking behind Cloelia. He winces in pain and falls to his knees, dropping the blaster and catching himself with left hand.
[He took 2d6=5 damage to his right arm; He only has 4hp in that location, so this counts as a Serious wound. He needs to succeed in an Endurance roll vs the Attack roll, or the limb is useless until he receives first aid: failed roll, limb useless. He also loses the next 1d3=2 actions. The soldier gets a Special Effect for his successful attack, and chooses Duck Back.]
One of the soldiers ducks back into the junction to take cover behind the wall...
[Round 2] Joerg [initiative 22] raises his carbine and takes careful aim at the other from his position at the back of the line of trolleys with his comrades huddled against them. Theophania hazards a few shots over her trolley, but to no effect [miss].
The soldiers blast away at Joerg, but their shots streak past him. [First actions done.]
Then one of Theophania's bolts strikes true, catching the soldier right in the abdomen -- leaving a meagre scorch mark on the their combat armour. She ducks back behind the trolley with a muttered oath [she'd need a Critical on the attack roll (instead of just a normal success) to choose Bypass Armour, so opts for the Duck Back effect].
[Round 3]
Joerg shoots the soldier still standing in the middle of the corridor, but his shot streaks harmlessly past [missed despite aiming bonus]. Theophania shots for everyone to fall back.
They are eager to comply, but crawling backwards and dragging the trolleys makes it a slow, awkward retreat.
The soldiers keep firing. A lucky bolt catches Joerg right between the eyes, and he crumples to the floor. [Critical attack roll. The soldier gets 2 special effects: Choose Location, and Maximise Damage (only for one die): 1d6+6=10 damage, a Major Wound. Joerg needed to roll his Endurance vs the attack roll or die; he didn't roll a critical success, so...]
Miho grabs Joerg's carbine and kicks his body out of the way.
The soldiers keep firing at a downward angle, trying to hit what little is exposed over the tops of the cannister-laden trolleys...
[Round 4]
...but their bolts pound ineffectually against the heavy cylinders... [miss,miss,miss...]
[Q: Does all the noise attract attention? 50/50: O6 C6 - yes
+Event: Introduce a new NPC - Transform / Expectations
Q: Attention from whom? (1d10) 1-4 station crew, 5-8 New Dawn soldiers, 9-0 freighter crew: 1d10=6]
...until a nearby unit of New Dawn troops, attracted by the din of blaster fire, appear in the path of the retreat and demand surrender.
[Damiana must overcome her Loyal to Corporation (62%) passion with an easy Willpower (61+20=81%) roll in order to be sensible: 34 vs 07 (crit), she is. No one else is as fanatic as she, so they don't need a roll.]
Everyone lays down their arms and puts up their hands -- even Damiana, though Theophania had half been expecting her to go out in a blaze of glory. The squad leader confers with someone over a communicator for a few moments, then marches the prisoners away to their fate.
next post: captured!
Character sheets
Stipan Espejo
STR 10 CON 9 SIZ 13 DEX 7
INT 15 POW 15 CHA 10
DB - Ex - Init 11 Luck 3
Homeworld: 0502 Parpamr Marulal / Papolli
Culture: Orbital / Lunar base
Career: Scientist
Passions: Seek Wealth 70%, Protect own reputation 60%, Distrust military 50%
Standard Skills: athletics 27%, conceal 32%, customs 40%, endurance 33%, first aid 32%, influence 55%, insight 50%, locale 40%, perception 45%, vacc 52%, willpower 45%
Professional Skills: computers 50%, electronics 42%, mechanics 32%, oratory 45%, research 45%, science: biology 55%, science: chemistry 65%, survival: space 34%, teach 35%
Combat Styles: -
Damiana Manabat
STR 11 CON 13 SIZ 10 DEX 12
INT 14 POW 8 CHA 13
DB - Ex +1 Init 13 Luck 2
Homeworld: 0205 Loulikos/Inah
Culture: Urban/Olympus (capital city)
Career: Official
Passions: Love power 52%, Loyal to Corporation 62% (Sunbeam Co-operative), Hate Clyteians 36%
Standard Skills: conceal 30%, dance 40%, deceit 67%, influence 62%, insight 47%, locale 38%, perception 47%, stealth 41%, willpower 61%
Professional Skills: bureaucracy 68%, commerce 61%, courtesy 52%, politics 42%
Combat Styles: small blaster pistols 33% (reg., light, hold-out)
STR 10 CON 9 SIZ 13 DEX 7
INT 15 POW 15 CHA 10
DB - Ex - Init 11 Luck 3
Homeworld: 0502 Parpamr Marulal / Papolli
Culture: Orbital / Lunar base
Career: Scientist
Passions: Seek Wealth 70%, Protect own reputation 60%, Distrust military 50%
Standard Skills: athletics 27%, conceal 32%, customs 40%, endurance 33%, first aid 32%, influence 55%, insight 50%, locale 40%, perception 45%, vacc 52%, willpower 45%
Professional Skills: computers 50%, electronics 42%, mechanics 32%, oratory 45%, research 45%, science: biology 55%, science: chemistry 65%, survival: space 34%, teach 35%
Combat Styles: -
Damiana Manabat
STR 11 CON 13 SIZ 10 DEX 12
INT 14 POW 8 CHA 13
DB - Ex +1 Init 13 Luck 2
Homeworld: 0205 Loulikos/Inah
Culture: Urban/Olympus (capital city)
Career: Official
Passions: Love power 52%, Loyal to Corporation 62% (Sunbeam Co-operative), Hate Clyteians 36%
Standard Skills: conceal 30%, dance 40%, deceit 67%, influence 62%, insight 47%, locale 38%, perception 47%, stealth 41%, willpower 61%
Professional Skills: bureaucracy 68%, commerce 61%, courtesy 52%, politics 42%
Combat Styles: small blaster pistols 33% (reg., light, hold-out)
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