Sunday 23 April 2023

M-Space - Part 4 : Capture

The prisoners are marched through some of the less-damaged corridors and finally into one of the station's recreation areas whose fancy carpet, mood lighting, and plush sectional sofas in conversation pits stand in absurdly high contrast to its use as the New Dawn troops' command centre.

[Q: Where are they taken? Location: Artistic, Modern]

The soldiers ask everyone's identity, then separate Theophania, Cloelia, and Miho from the station personnel and march each group off to a separate holding area. Theophania's group is placed on a sofa before one of the viewports, offering them a spectacular vista of Cha, the ocean planet round which Galle 9 Research Station orbits. Behind them stand two soldiers, anonymous in head-to-toe combat armour.

Cloelia fidgets in her seat for all of thirty seconds before the nervous question inside bursts forth. "What do you think they--"

Theophania presses her finger against Cloelia's lips. "Shhhh... they'll get upset if we talk."

Cloelia shrinks back into an anxious silence. Theophania is certain she sees one of the soldiers relax ever so slightly, relieved at not having to threaten the civilians.

Not long afterwards, a young woman appears, with two more soldiers in tow. Unlike her bodyguards, she's removed most of her combat armour, and -- more unusually, notes Theophania -- wears no rank insignia. She looks like she hasn't slept in days; there are deep circles round her eyes, her shirt is rumpled and coffee-stained, and more of her hair has escaped the bun she put it up in than currently remains.

New Dawn Special Executive Abigail Hanna
Background: Aspiring bourgeoisie or upper class
Role: Military, soldier, enforcer, law officer
Problem: A loved one is in trouble
Age: Unusually young for their role
Desire: They want an entirely different job
Trait: Paternalism
(full character sheet at the end of the post)

NPC Relationship: peaceful
Conversation Mood: cautious
inquisitive - demand - flaws]

"I'm SpecEx Hanna. Who are you then?"

"We two," says Theophania, "are passengers from the freighter that docked her an hour ago. She's crew."

"Whatever are you doing here?"

"Would you believe, just passing through?"

"And you just decided to take A quick peek in at a restricted facility?"

"We came here to drop off supplies," says Miho. "and trade vouchers for fuel for the trip out. When there was no answer, we docked to investigate. We're stuck here without fuel, so..."

"Of course. And your connection to Sunbeam Co-operative?"

"The same as our connection to every other -- they pay us to haul freight somewhere, we haul it."

"And what sort of supplies were you dropping off?"

"The usual -- food, spare parts, toiletries -- nothing exceptional."

[Meanwhile, Theophania is attempting to scan SpecEx Hanna with her psionic Empathy (42%): 30, success; the power costs 2 Power Points to activate (T has 16 to start)

SpecEx Hanna's general feelings & attitude : Helpfully / Dry = Distrustful. she doesn't particularly want to harm outsiders, but she needs to know they are who they say they are

Some die rolls for the interview--

Theophania needs to roll Deceit (77%); she's not really dissembling, but needs to avoid suspicion at all costs, so it seemed the most appropriate skill: 68, success

Miho is completely honest. Easy ship skill (Mechanic 65+20=85%) to prove she is who she says: 52, success.

SpecEx Hanna pits her Insight (65%) against them: 92, fail

Theophania keeps her Empathy scan up for the duration, so must spend 1d3=1 more PP.]

Cloelia decides to keep her mouth shut and let the others handle the interview. This is officially the most trouble she's ever been in. She's terribly curious about Theophania's reaction to it all. She has a sense that this isn't terribly unusual for her -- and would love to know why. Plus focussing on that little mystery is probably the only thing keeping her from pissing herself in fear...

Whilst Cloelia is lost in thought, the interview continues until SpecEx Hanna is satisfied. She tells the prisoners to sit and enjoy the view whilst she makes a decision. She dismisses their guards, but reminds them there is no way out except through a room full of soldiers, and that escapees are shot on sight.

"Don't worry," says Theophania when they are alone at the viewport, "I don't think she intends to keep us here long."

"Really? That's, um, optimistic," says Cloelia.

"She's professionally inscrutable," adds Miho. "How can you tell?"

"I'm good at reading people. We're just bystanders, and they've nothing to gain by offing us. Besides it'd be shitty for morale."

Cloelia slumps against Theophania in relief, and heaves a long throaty sigh as Theophania puts an arm round her shoulder. "Get a room," mutters Miho.

[Q: Are they held a long time? 50/50: O1 C1 - no, and...

+Event: PC negative - Abandon / Misfortune (the freighter crew will leave them behind)]

Minutes later a pair of soldiers come over, young women about the same age as SpecEx Hanna, but bearing private's insignia as is usual for soldiers of their age-bracket. "We're to escort you back to your ship now."

"The fuel?" asks Miho.

[Q: fuel? 50/50: O4 C3 - yes, but...]

"Only one trip's worth. No spares -- that stuff's expensive."

"Fine. Any word on the rest of my crew? Two more parties came aboard..."

[Q: Any word? 50/50: O1 C4 - no, but...]

"Sorry, they don't tell us anything."

The soldiers bring them back to the corridor where the fuel was left. Joerg's body has been removed, but a smear of blood marks where he fell.

"Sorry," says one of the privates, "you gotta push."

Miho takes the lead with one trolley, Theophania and Cloelia follow with the other. The soldiers bring up the rear.

[Q: Do they get back to the freighter? likely: O2 C7 - no
Q: What now? (1d6): 1 firefight, 2 ship breaks away, 3 ship breaks away damaging station, 4 quarantine problem, 5 random event, 6 roll 2d5: 1d6=3]

The soldiers have a map of the station up on an handcomp, and occasionally call out a direction at a juncture. Miho follows their directives, the only words spoken on the trip back towards (she hopes) her ship.

There's an ungodly noise as the seal on the docking ring ruptures. The freighter's mooring thrusters fire, and the huge vessel smashes against the side of the station. The impact reverberates down the length of the corridor and the crumpling metal screeches like a dying beast. The emergency lights flicker and a wind picks up as the section begins decompression.

Theophania's group stop short, waiting for the auto seals to kick in, but the wind grows stronger, and with it the knowledge that the seals have failed to engage.

"We need to get to a pressurised area!" shouts Cloelia.

[Getting to a safe area requires a test of either Athletics or Brawn, augmented by the other of the two (i.e. there is a bonus equal to twice the critical success rating of the secondary skill). The difficulty begins at Easy (+20%) and increases each turn if the roll is failed.]

Theophania, Cloelia, and Miho push themselves along the wall back past the soldiers [rolls succeed] who, in their momentary panic, are trying to walk straight up the corridor against the wind [rolls failed].

Miho and Theophania shout at the two to get down and crawl, and grab their hands to pull them to safety [rolls succeed with extra Augments from C & M]. Cloelia already has the cover off the manual crank for an iris valve and begins turning it furiously almost before the soldiers feet are clear.

"Lucky... I grew up on... a station," pants Cloelia once the valve is safely shut. "Those safety drills... become ingrained..."

"Th-thanks for helping us," says one of the soldiers.

"No worries," says Theophania. "I guess you're taking us back, now..."

Scene 7

Out of control (d8)

Setup: dealing with New Dawn, again

NPC List: ship's captain, crew, passengers, enemy agents, fugitive, station personnel, mystery antagonists, New Dawn contingent, SpecEx Hanna

Threads: long term-goal, short-term goal, freedom, Cloelia, station

[Q: Did one of the station crew mention that Theophania had a delivery for someone here? Likely (3+): O4 C6 - yes]

SpecEx Hanna looks [Partially / Graceful] faintly bemused to see them return. She has Cloelia and Miho escorted back to the viewport, but takes Theophania aside by herself.

NPC Relationship: peaceful
Conversation Mood: neutral
knowing - history - rewards]

"You've been less than forthright," says SpecEx Hanna.

"Ah. yes. It didn't seem pertinent to bring up. I'm in the same relation to Sunbeam Corp as the freighter crew, just at an exponentially smaller order of magnitude. It was a simple courier job. And before you ask, other than the name of the recipient, I don't know any more than you do. I don't even know what was in the suitcase. I was just going to drop it off and continue on to Parra."

"Parra? What's there?"

"Never been, so... novelty?"

"I see. But what I don't see, I think you'll understand, is that this freighter was already bearing a corporate consignment for the station. So if someone engaged a private courier, I must ask myself: to what purpose?"

"I was to make sure it didn't get lost or intercepted."

"Anything else?"

"I can give you my contact's name if you want it. That is, the name she gave me."

"I see. That won't be necessary. Now I'm going to have to hang onto you for a little while longer. I can't risk your involvement being more than you say [prejudiced - reputation - friends]. Once we've dealt with the freighter situation, I'll decide what's to be done with you."

"And my two, er, shipmates?"

"I don't know yet. I'm not terribly concerned about the mechanic. But the other one -- I get the sense you're a package deal."

"We only met aboard. Keep me if you must, but let her go."

"I'm going to keep you both for the time being. I can't risk it."

Scene 8

Out of control (d8)

Setup: d8=Interrupt (was: waiting)
Interrupt: Ambiguous event - Expose / Goals

NPC List: ship's captain, crew, passengers, enemy agents, fugitive, station personnel, mystery antagonists, New Dawn contingent, SpecEx Hanna

Threads: long term-goal, short-term goal, freedom, Cloelia, station

Theophania and Cloelia are brought under guard to [Full, Quiet] a tiny (seats 24) 3-d cinema room, where [1d3=3] Stipan, Damiana, one other station crewman are already being held. Other than the crude bandage on Stipan's upper arm where he had been shot, they seem unhurt.

"Huh," says Cloelia, "I wonder why they're holding us here, of all places?"

"There's nothing in here but seating," says Theophania. "In case we get any bright ideas."

[Q: Are the station crew injured? unlikely (5+): O2 C5 - no (except from earlier). Damiana had attempted First Aid (26%): 83, failure - his arm is still useless.]

"What was all that commotion?" asks Damiana. "It sounded like a bomb went off."

"Not sure," says Theophania, "but something happened to the freighter. A whole section of the station vented atmosphere, and the emergency seals failed to engage."

"Where's your friend?"

"Trying to contact the freighter for our hosts, I presume."

"Oh. What're you going to do now?"

"Sit here and do nothing until they send for me. Maybe get some kip."

"How can you be so calm?"

"Histrionics don't seem terribly productive."

"And your friend?"

"Sleep sounds heavenly," says Cloelia, yawning. "It's well past my bed time."

"You two do realise we're all prisoners... and only for as long as they think we're still useful. Now, if you help us, when the cavalry arrives, I'll be sure to see you're rewarded for doing the right thing." [friendly - shelter - current story]

"And just what," asks Theophania, "makes you so sure the cavalry is actually on the way?"

"This station represents a very substantial investment. The work we're doing here is truly revolutionary."

"This has something to do with the quarantine breech, doesn't it?"

"Well, yes."

"What's so special about this research, then. What are you doing here?"

"I'm afraid I can't divulge that information unless you sign a non-disclosure agreement."

"You want my help getting out of here or not?"

"All right, you have a point. The research involves...

[Q: What? (1d10) 1 biological warfare, 2 chemical warfare, 3 mind-control drugs, 4 attack aliens, 5 parasites, 6 psi, 7 cybernetics, 8 q-tech, 9-10 she refuses to answer but it shows up (roll 1d8)]

...genetic engineering. Of alien parasites."

"To what end?"

"Certain... ummm... military applications."

"Such as?"

"The intent is to turn enemy soldiers into friendlies."

"The intent...?"

"We haven't gotten much past the turning point."


"The hosts currently regard everyone as hostiles."

[Cloelia needs a Willpower (39%) roll to keep her mouth shut: 44]

"That's revolting!" shouts Cloelia. "And probably unethical!"

[Damiana needs a Loyalty (passion, 62%) roll to tow the party line: 94]

"We can discuss the moral implications of research once we are far away from this place. For now, we need to escape."

"Until they let us out of his room," says Theophania, we're kind of stuck. Unless they decide to up sticks and leave us behind."

Scene 9

Out of control (d8)

Setup: d8=Interrupt (was: waiting)
Interrupt: NPC action - SpecEx Hanna - Imprison / Competition

NPC List: ship's captain, crew, passengers, enemy agents, fugitive, station personnel, mystery antagonists, New Dawn contingent, SpecEx Hanna, parasites

Threads: long term-goal, short-term goal, freedom, Cloelia, station

Theophania is finding it hard to actually fall asleep stretched out on the floor, but finds comfort in the weight of Cloelia's head on her chest and her soft, regular breathing; she'd passed out almost immediately from exhaustion.

Damiana ordered the two station personnel to try resting as well, but the constant creak of fidgeting in the theatre seats tells Theophania they are having as much success as she is.

. . . . .

"Rise and shine, campers!"

Theophania opens an eye to see that SpecEx Hanna has returned with [1d3=] a pair of fully-armoured soldiers. She's put on the rest of her armour as well.

"Put those three in binders," she orders.

"My... my arm," winces Stipan.

"Bind their wrists together, then."

The soldier complies, binding Stipan's left wrist to Damiana's right. The third station crewman gets his wrists handcuffed normally.

"Right, let's go," says SpecEx Hanna. "You're officially our prisoners. We're going to take you to our ship, but there's a little detour we need to make first."

"Wait," says Theophania, "what about us?"

[Q: What does she intend? Neglect / Emotions]

"I'm not bothered. You're free, I suppose."

"But we need to get off this station. What if we surrender to you?"

"But you aren't with Sunbeam Corp." [knowing - telling - retainers]

"No, but we're stuck here otherwise. Unless the freighter is back."

[Q: Is it? unlikely (5+): O3 C1 - no, and...]

"It isn't. And I don't believe it will be."

Cloelia will try to roll her Influence (51%) against Hanna's Willpower (43%): 02 crit vs 35 normal success, Cloelia prevails]

"Please," says Cloelia, in her most scared and pathetic voice, "I'm just a passenger. Don't abandon me here to die."

SpecEx Hanna sighs. "Fine. Come with us, both of you. I guess we can use an extra couple sets of hands."

One soldier prods Damiana with a carbine. She and Stipan head out. The rest follow.

[Q: Anyone left in rec area? unknown d6=6: O2 C5 - no]

The recreation area is now completely deserted. All the military hardware is gone too, leaving only the detritus of the soldiers' mealtimes.

Theophania looks at SpecEx Hanna quizzically. "Weren't there some soldiers here just a little while ago?"

"I sent them on ahead to clear the way back to our ship." [scheming - plan - rewards]

"And Miho?"

"Your mechanic? She took her freedom and ran... said something about escape pods."

"What about our equipment?"

"Uh, you can have your weapons back... I think they're still here. "Just remember whose side you're on." [friendly - promise - antagonist]

next post: escape!

SpecEx Abigail Hanna

STR 11  CON 10  SIZ 13  DEX 12
INT 15  POW 14  CHA  9

DB -    Ex -   Init 14  Luck 3

Homeworld: 0005 Kaltizoul/Carrizc
Culture: Rural/Ironden (mining colony)
Career: prof-starship pilot (ex-navy astrog/sensors)

Passions: Loyalty to Corporation 49% (New Dawn Zaibatsu),  Desire order 69%,  Hate homeworld 59% (Carrizc)

Standard Skills: athletics 33%,  brawn 34%,  deceit 39%,  endurance 45%,  evade 39%,  first aid 42%,  influence 33%,  perception 69%,  stealth 42%,  vacc 42%,  willpower 43%

Professional Skills: astrogation 40%,  comms 45%,  demolitions 34%,  engineering 55%,  mechanics 42%,  sensors 54%,  streetwise 48%

Combat Styles: Military Officer 53% (blaster pistols, rifles, carbines),  HtH Expert 48% (small blade, unarmed)


  1. Where are you getting these cool portraits? Are they AI or some archive you've found?

    1. They're from, specifically the legacy site portrait mixer ( which allows you to select images to combine and then lets you modify them with a bunch of sliders until you get something you like. I'm not really a fan of the newer AI stuff, but with these there's a measure of direct control over the process. I also touch some of them up in GIMP when I'm done.
